Pandora: Полёты На Икранах - Pandora

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Полёты На Икранах Случайное путешествие в иную реальность. Повесть.

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Сообщений: 14 355
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  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
Молчат пока как рыбы о лёд.
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
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  • Время онлайн: 112 дн. 11 час. 54 мин. 23 сек.
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быстро не будет

Пользователь офлайн   pandorskiy kot 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 9 717
  • Регистрация: 01 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородKharkov
  • Время онлайн: 249 дн. 12 час. 17 мин. 8 сек.
Репутация: 4 780
Кстати могут дольше читать поскольку перевод им там может показаться, как бы это сказать, трудным что-ли. Надо подождать.
...I want to go where they are going
Into the world they've been
Can I open up my mind enough to see... ©

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 14 355
  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
pandorskiy kot, а сам-то не переведённый который текст, осилил?
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

Пользователь офлайн   pandorskiy kot 

  • pängkxo tireahu eltuä lefngap
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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 9 717
  • Регистрация: 01 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородKharkov
  • Время онлайн: 249 дн. 12 час. 17 мин. 8 сек.
Репутация: 4 780
неа... никак не соберусь :rolleyes:
...I want to go where they are going
Into the world they've been
Can I open up my mind enough to see... ©

Пользователь офлайн   Martian 

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  • Группа: Пoльзователи
  • Сообщений: 4 414
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  • Skin:na'vi night
  • Время онлайн: 102 дн. 19 час. 15 мин. 6 сек.
Репутация: 3 268
Он еще не осилил Шелли, даром что книгу бумажную ему сунули :)
Так что не гони лошадей... То есть икранов ;)

Мужество — это когда заранее знаешь, что ты проиграл, и всё-таки берёшься за дело и наперекор всему на свете идёшь до конца. Побеждаешь очень редко, но иногда всё-таки побеждаешь. (с) Нелл Харпер Ли.

"Если во имя идеала приходится делать подлости, то цена этому идеалу - дерьмо."(с) Братья Стругацкие.

Там на Пандоре - рай на блюде,
Тепло, светло и красота.
Туземцы - это тоже люди
За исключением хвоста.
Пускай у них другие гены,
Пускай у них в башке разхем -
На фоне тех аборигенов
Земляне выглядят жлобьем (с)

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 14 355
  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
Да тут чтива неспешного на пару часов ;) Так что гнать-то нет нужды, это не ПС :P
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

Пользователь офлайн   Kamean 

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  • Группа: Пользователи
  • Сообщений: 7 488
  • Регистрация: 18 мая 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородРига
  • Время онлайн: 178 дн. 8 час. 45 мин. 9 сек.
Репутация: 3 268
Телиться они там точно долго будут.:(
Oe lu tute a new stivawm Eywayä mokrit.

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 14 355
  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
Ну это понятно что не у нас... где не успел запостить, а уже ответы понаписали... :)
Люди же ;)

В следующей главе часть текста в своё время было переведено на нави, но при перекопированиях пересохранениях и восстановлениях часть символов убилось. Так вот перевод будет оригинального текста с русского ;) Потом поправлю и в главе на русском тут.
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 14 355
  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
Chapter 5. Hunting.
Jul, and several members of the clan greeted the newcomers.
"Where are these... Antorn and Anhgon?"
"They have already left for the ferry, and we're going to-morrow morning." - said Anatoly with the approval of the Jules. and today a lot of things...
"What? But Jul?..."
"My ikran fly on business, I meet you."
"In short we need to find myself and all food, hunting, and will still need to saddle to do... For ikrans. Hunting now let's go, as all come here, people just a few, all to deploy.
Saddles are made from sugarcane fibers stalks, round-wood and skins, who is now unhunting. She spoke almost in a whisper, while Sergei Nicky and waddled bad flexible legs limping in the side of the hearth. - The clan Ang', the names of all men begin therefore by the An...
"Welcome to the clan Ang'!.." - said loudly Jul, and the Na'vi by the fire waved their arms. All what you were busy, who stuck with a piece of someone's skins, who cooked some wood products, attaching them to stakes, apparently hunting device.
"I know about the sausage..." - said quietly Sergey Tole, and winked at, but he was not surprised:
"I know that, too... but it is not enough at all."
Only the boys were settled on the shown them the Na'vi convenient stubs-stand, as over the lake seemed even two іkrans, first with Her, then with Zhenya. With them repeated the same bow-legged, and that with Sergei, who was able to walk normally. Now can be explained with newcomers went to Sergei, and it is not easily gathered a lot of thought into told them about the saddle and hunting. All began to wait for Ira and Rum, because without them it is impossible to be represented by the chief or head of the clan. He sat, like all, not far from the center, from the rest of the Navi he was only the traditional skirt - she was embroidered with some simple pattern. Head of the clan watched the arriving people, a feeling that once again, scan. Sergey could not resist, and asked Jules:
"and that the leader was so... normal?"
"and what for to be noticeable? All and so know who he is. We have nothing more to himself not hang!" - he said, smiling wryly, and looked at Alice. She has already managed to make out the bones found in the village of ikrans decoration like beads, wearing the string holding her bag with a phone on her chest. At the same time she went to put the compass.
"It is a ritual compass," - Sergey tried to justify It. But his friendly pat on the shoulder sitting beside the Na'vi and smiled. Sergey understood that he did something good, but he could not understand that.
"You correctly entered, saying it is so." - Jul was serious, - "we're in a clan made their defend always and everywhere, that would not have happened. You make a good sign.
"and if the us tomorrow, this... ecci attack?"
"Do not attack the ecci tomorrow..."
"Are You Sure?"
"I don't know Russian so many words that would speak about the ecci. Roma says. Else to say about... don't remember" - Jul smiled guiltily, and Sergey had in his mind the image of a needle with wings - "Doti-ki... or dori-ki..."
The sky slowly began painted in yellow-olive color, when over the lake began to make a u-turn ikran. On sekond ikran - Roman and Ira. She could not find a іkrans, and, in desperation, I found the Roman. He talk about how she got out of the rock of the cup, where they live ikrans - flatly refused. As soon as the girl came from a flight, all those who were in the parking lot gathered under the trees, in the middle stood the chief, and the whole group holding my breath waiting for what would come next.
The leader of one of the women of Na'vi brought a small hollowed out of a tree cup and a bag. The chief gratefully took her to all this and came to the people who are in such a company look like children. First he went to the Fraction, and dipping his hand into the bowl, held her on the forehead to the nose. On the face of the Fraction of the left a noticeable trace some of the dye turquoise, which is immediately absorbed into the skin or dry. After a few seconds, Tolya away, and bowed his head. King, whose name is still Sergey and the rest did not know, out of the bag and took out something on a thin strap and put on the neck of the man. Tolya, put a hand on his forehead, and then on the chest of the leader. The same procedure was repeated again with Anya, Zhenya, before the leader was Sergey.
"Kulon Flight Brotherhood"

"I, the chief of the clan Ang, Angiro, sanctify you, Sergey, in the flight brotherhood clan Ang" - clearly heard right in his head Sergei, and it was not the words in the usual sense, and ready-made images, which did not require translation into any language. "Keep the faith, be strong in spirit, and then you will have the Strength. Remember, you are not alone, we all will always be with you as long as you're in this world, and you will not forget". Then he smeared face paint, and Sergey simply muscular-motional felt, what to do next. About his neck was suspended a kind of charm, cut from a bone of a local animal, but a very light, which depicted the head of the ikran in some kind of a flower. Sergey a little confused, because it turned out that it has received a gift for nothing. However Angiro, apparently, was of another opinion.
The work went smartly, but Anya, as is always the case, I wanted to natural need in the bushes. Since the whole meadow was, he reached the edge of the forest and into the forest for loyalty. Finding a hiding place under the shadow of, and have already finished all that is necessary, when heard upstairs strange sounds clearly animal origin. She stood up and quietly went back, but the top flashed some shadows, which the leaves do not disassemble. Anya began to slip into a state of fear. He heard again the movement from the top-from the side, but is already below, she turned her head and saw forth between branches flew away creature the size of it, dark, with a rate such details are not visible, but the fact that she had had time to consider, has plunged her in horror. Bony mouth with four fangs, powerful paws with strong claws. Anya jetted that there is urine to a clearing, but being at the top swinging from branch to branch obviously faster running man, and when she went out into the clearing, and before her stood a few of these creatures. Gray back, black bellies drawn four powerful, little flat legs, strong, bonerly mouth and large, yellow, like all eyes. Flat and wide tails, and leathery, the outstretched wings from her back on the sides. If they do not, then these things would be more like wolves.
Alice pulled out a knife, and that there are forces out. Behind landed a couple toothters with wings. They had gathered to attack, when Aney'ki has hit one of them, creating a gap in the environment. Anya over hurried, and rushed away from the forest, but toothters not only caught up with, but instead of one appeared several. They were surrounded by women, bristling their knives and onions. Aney'ki drove them from side to side, and the Ira, trembling with terror. Anya did not mind, but the defense was ready, when out of the forest appeared first Roman, followed by another two hunters, and the guys. A few individuals separated and went to meet the newcomers. Some of them have already managed to pull one fellow in the woods.
"Roman, who is it?"
"Wolflyers, I did call. Smart, infection..."
WolfFlyers immediately went on the offensive on the boys. Nikolay managed to evade, and Sergey met flyer simple blow, however fell with him, But then he saw him standing before him with an open mouth. At that time, when the Roman with Tolik and Zhenya dealt more with a pair of WolfFlyers, hunters came to women. Nikolai had already managed to jump into one aggressor teeth. The enemy, seeing that the defense is strong, decided to retreat to the brethren, where the production of easy - to the meadow to the girls and the boys ran after them. But then Wolfflyers suddenly stopped, turn their large pointed ears, and I rushed out to the entire crowd in the direction of the forest, where they immediately leaping atop the branch and disappeared in the woods.
They all went. But then he saw, as in girls, and Aneyki's tense face. They were afraid to move and stood still. For some time the children and the hunters did not understand, because of that, but noticing some movement on the meadow, and she looked, too, died. Between them and the hunters with the girls crawled out something. It is something camouflages its scales in the color of the surface on which the creeps, and because of this, immediately it is not visible. Living creature was like a snake and the worm at the same time, having in diameter oval shape and not less than one and a half meters in diameter around the head. Length is not yet set, but the three long and sharp thorns sticking up in the air, clearly out of the tail, and that something just tells us that they are poisonous.
"Who is this?"
"The serpent" - in a Roman said, "Just snakes... Only it's not enough..."
"and shoot from a bow?"
"Scales strong, don't break, just krank up..."
Snakes, meanwhile, raised his head, apparently to look around.. the Head is a bone with a strong jaw, and with deeply recessed eyes and ears inside the teeth. Judging by the direction of motion, snakes decided to prey on women. He gently pulled the tail, and prepared to pounce. Time, it seemed, is slow. and here's the throw, which does not reach the goal: big something fell on the top and grabbed him by the head, a sharp rotation.Во all parties flew collected girls stalks and grasses. This ikran, strange grey color, grabbed his beak armored serpent's head, and now my foot pinned body. A glade became the Colosseum giants. However the audience there is not the mind... the Serpent and was not going to give up, and judging by the movement of the tail was about to hit the ikran their stings, ikran raised his head and roundhouse kicked the serpent with her sharp wing, gored the belly. Tail sagged, and ikran struck a second time in the same cut snake in half. Thick and heavy piece of rolled to the side of the Roman with the guys, and they barely had time to jump. ikran meanwhile, lightly slapping a piece of the serpent, that has stayed with him, and again grabbed him lower his head. There was a crunching - ikran bit off the monster's head.
Into the silence, ikran, feeling that he was master of the situation, busily studied a large bite of the serpent, and gathered them away and snatch. and Ira, as if coming out of his stupor, first in a whisper, then a cry said: "Pet... Pet returned!!!". When she got to him, it is ridiculous put her arms around his neck, and he, distracted from butchering carcasses, stroked the Ira on the shoulder its great beak, anointed her in the blue-green blood of killed the snake.
No one would interfere with ikranу away, and put together produced the reeds and grass, they all went home. Now the hunt is over: a large the severed of ikran the tail of the serpent clan enough of the day to 3-4 at a minimum. The mood at all at once raised, although hunting was strange - hunted today in most of the hunters. Ira climbed on his neck Sergey, and from there happily said that the ikran brought it out of the mountain of the cup, but could not with her fly, because I had to help someone from the other ikrans build a nest. But he promised to come back. Yes, arrived on time...
"He asked me what I would have about the same time nobody spoke, has finished his story of the Ira.
"Well, then, clearly, why the Ira dedicated", - said the Roman, - "Angiro saw the trace of the ikran from her."
"Trace the ikran?" - all surprised
"I did not see. Angiro sees the best in the clan, so he and the leader. So, if anyone, man or navi finds himself ikran, the aura, luminosity, it remains a unique trace. Apparently Angiro him and saw...
"Wait, in a clan leader only sees?"
"No, everything, but in their own way. But the one who is better, and the chief. It is the people, pedigrees, the election... It's simple - if everyone will see that I can See better Angiro, then the next day I had to do himself painted skirt. Although... and may shorts will fit... and I will be the leader, as long as someone is better than me. If this happens, I will gladly give him this post."
"Hell, just like everyone else..." - the whole company came up to the parking lot.
Now, when obtained with such difficulty food has been prepared, and slow the sun begins to illumine all around all the colors of the rainbow, they all gathered around the campfire. Until a few navi help to master a new business - weaving of seats for ikrans, you can and ask questions, which have accumulated a great many. and now, without detracting from the needlework, began questioning of the all-knowing Roma.
"and in general, if you think about it, it can't just be done," - he began a dialogue Nikolai, - "Then why Are we here?
"A human in the іkгапе can carry more than the Na'vi. Because smaller and lighter. Ikran is maneuverble, when they ruled by a man. - quietly began to answer the Roma-the Na'vi. - Now is the season, when the big calm between the storms, and the Na'vi don't have time to all transport, people - help significantly. I'm just a guide, I can find people capable of something here to learn, to find a іkrans. You saw, it is not easy. But many people, having got here, do not want to return to your own world, some, like Jules, live in a clan always, becoming part of the people.
"and how do these storms? All so afraid of them..."
"Because they are very strong, and you can do nothing at this point. The sea is warm, tropical, much of the water evaporates. Cools at the top and she needs to go somewhere...
"But then you can put all the radio stations and warn each other, what is the weather, and all in time to shelter..."
"As it should be? - in the hanging pause a voice Anna, is your radio?.."
"I'll say so" - Roman took the brush out of the sink and began to comb his Na'vi's hair, - "You have seen Koo?"
"The Horror..."
"Well, coastal clans could quickly lime all. Storm sometimes makes the ecci to the shore, and there he dies. If you take the poison, and charge them water darts"and "koo" quickly disappear. But why? I, like all of them," - the Roman was shown to the audience at the hearth of the Na'vi, - "We believe that the need to improve yourself, and not the technique. and you can improve, only responding to the challenges, the challenges of the nature of your environment, why the radio, if you can learn to hear each other at a distance? As іkгапs. Yes, it's even we have is rare, but we are trying to develop. Why the weather station, if the storm you can learn how to feel? and break your device"that will do? That's why the Na'vi not build machines, not invent gunpowder and explosives, and develop themselves. People here have appeared quite a long time ago, that they would have learned their world, and made a conclusion - the man in the most stupid, dumb and undeveloped. But there are individuals with great potential, which you can learn something." - Roman completed with hair, by twisting her into a kind of spit, and began cleaning the vegetation on the tip of his tail.
"Ira, you are so clever, or you get someone to teach? - jokingly asked Sergey.
The na'vi, which language do not understand, but by definition, as it turned out telepaths, came, and with their ears they look at each other, apparently realizing the essence of the conversation quite clearly. Sergey, even thought that somewhere in the depths of consciousness, he heard, as they exchange viper replicas. The Roman with Jules, too, that the thought and smiled.
"Well, how would it... - Roman hesitated, and finish with a tail, let go of him, "you Live here with them, and that's going to...
Laughter had a quiet evening clan. Some even fell from his saddle seats and branches. When everything is more or less calmed down, decided to change the subject.
"Why is the sky is green? in a conversation involved Zhenya. "The sun's kind of like on the Ground?
"This is not the Earth, if that's what you want. It is something connected with the angle to the axis of rotation of the planet and the electromagnetic field.
"How did you know?" - cleverly continued his study of Sergey.
"Yes... brought to us some of the astronomer. By Chance. She..."
"A Girl?" - said Ira.
"Yes, and her name was the same as you, Ira, only years it was more, "Roma winked at her with his big yellow eye. "Well, she was more than a month. Like almost a year on the Earth! So, never learned to nor hear, nor the ikran find anything at all. But built here a whole observatory. So here it is said, that is another planet in another star system. But in what is not said. Said that this planet is more than the Earth, but its mass is less, so there's gravity is weaker. Shining beyond the earth, but the larger and hotter, from this it seems that the same as on Earth. Yet there was something about the kernel... that it is not of iron, as in the Land, but because of something more magnetized and spinning much faster, so the magnetic field is stronger. That's why, probably, and the sky is green, although a direct link so I do not understand...
"I also." - for all replied Assuredly.
Local food from a snake at first seemed fresh, but the Na'vi have given some of the leaves are fleshy, as the yarrow, only a different color and size, which instead of spikes something like a gun. If there is with them, it turns out and tasty, quickly and eats.
"I call it the 'sheetmeatic's, "he whispered to the Roman- Very cool thing. She then instead of bread.
After eating almost everything, except guards, began to settle down for the night. The night will be long, but the rise early, to prepare the cargo and ikrans in the dark still. Departure before the dawn.
For sleeping, there are 2 locations: on the tree, between the branches, and under a rock, there is made a log suspension, to which tightened the hammocks on the whole clan with a reserve. In case of bad weather, storms, clan here, if all goes well, then goes to the tree. However, getting there without any help a man does not work, not enough long legs and arms, but under the stone - it is. Yes and cooler. Hammock - a large, four meters, a dry sheet of any of the plants, sometimes not one, dried-up to fibres. The kind of very tough and rough thing. But the touch was as thin wool, not gently, but not "the wood". However, some Na'vi still holding there the skins, in which, as a rule, hide their infants.
Sergey Has, like the rest, after so long, hours in forty days, feet just hurt, and after the meal moves didn't want to. His eyes closed of their own, and as soon as that happened, and before him there neck and head Roger, but the plows wings or plans, and all somewhere flies, flies... Sergei opens his eyes and returned to reality. He fell to sleep, and in the stone, but here such comfort he instantly fell into a slumber, and then in the dream. and again Roger flies and flies... and it is quite another dream, if at all - a dream...
To be continued...
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

Пользователь офлайн   Bolo 

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  • Группа: Администраторы
  • Сообщений: 14 355
  • Регистрация: 02 марта 11
  • Skin:na'vi night
  • ГородMoskow
  • Время онлайн: 685 дн. 23 час. 1 мин. 42 сек.
Репутация: 7 338
Это довольно не простая в плане перевода глава. Экшн, сложные обороты речи, в .т.ч. незнакомые. Так что могут быть "странности" :unsure:
Chapter 6. The Pass
Saddles for ikrans are for obvious reasons, of two kinds: for Nа''vi and for man. In both cases it's a big, that could cover ikran''s neck , elastic rim with belt of the skin at the bottom. On the sides of the rim of the loop-the stirrups, for Nа''vi low, for the people closer to the saddle. Saddle for Nа''vi more broad and low, sidelined back a little, for a man taller and narrower, that would legs were comfortable. In front of the seat are two knobs-horn, bent to the center, for them to stay comfortably in flight and that, that little hook-hang-quick. The saddle is a kind of a trunk between two require loop fastening the seat screwed few stalks of forming the platform for securing all necessary, whether bags with the cargo, or additional padded stool for passengers. The main thing that the load is distributed symmetrically. Winding down hoop need, what would ikran he could shoot and wear seat. When the band does not have to somehow squeeze or rub to іkran. Attach it has to be the rider - two loops in front of the seat, and two on the оттяжках for the luggage compartment at the rear. Under the saddle, too, there are holes in which are horny branches stretching along ikran''s back, and for which cling sang mounting.
In the night, while men slept, to the parking lot has arrived the people ikrans, with the load. They brought to the coast "seafood" fish, shells, some algae and many small bags with all "small" - bones, powders, and the like. Angha prepared their own premises - there is the fruit of many different plants, seeds, pieces of sheetmeatic wrapped in some barbed leaves with small berries. How then found out Sergey, this exchange was and tradition and the need to simultaneously. A long time ago Nа'vi struck a dangerous disease, from which they eventually began to die out. But it happened so that in the coastal clan brought a forest dweller, and then the local leader of fruits and algae did some stuff, thinking that it is just food. But those who are sick, they'd eaten the food, went to the amendment. Since then different clans if possible, always help each other with supplies, because the danger of a new mora more than the danger of movements. The disease is not quite a simple story: from time to time people Nа'vi suffering from them, but mother earth, they believe it, sends them these tests, whatever they were improved in this world. But here's the local people of the disease is not taken, only their own.
But while men slept, the cargo for them have already been prepared. In addition profits ikrans several Nа''vi, and just waiting for their riders on the meadow opposite the lake, playing with the "toss-kiking".
Sergey woke up... because sleep, no one woke up and it was quite dark. The night, as the days here long, so that the flight will be in the night mode. The guys were still asleep, and Sergey tossed from different thoughts in my head. Somehow reminded of city life, the parents and the institute, and he is not as could not bring it all to a logical continuation of the"why, what for, what next? Here, for one, though, and the long day he found not only new friends, though not very common, discovered a different world, but also clearly knew what he was doing here, why he's here for, and yesterday's hunting showed that everybody bayonet on the account. A sense of his own unworthiness into the world in which he had spent the whole of life - gave him no rest.
But that's Jul with Roman awaken sleeping, as Roma, apparently for army habit still adds a commanding voice:
"Company! Rise!.. Pilots 40 minutes before the flight to the preparation!"
"The training?.."
"Wash, eat, take a supply of food and water - and saddle ikrans. By the way, who they are far away - it's time to call..."
Flashlights no one with a no, so they all went to the hearth. From him see the forest, which is not a dark mass: light up the trunks and needles round-the trees, the colors of the lights from the flowers. But the light of all this is rather dim, although when you're used to, then I guess it may not be enough. Apparently so in all there are such big eyes, because of these long, poorly lit nights.
The hearth all drew their earthly remains of food, including sausage Bit. As could have put all equally, but then came Nа''vi and distributed to the beam sheetmeaticа. Apparently, knew already good, that's what. Each took his seat on my back and pushed hoops went to the bank. There are already full of life, given oblong leather bags tied to the on-seats ikrans. But still not a fly, waiting for the people - the road show, apparently knowledge only of course there is not enough. Ikrans guys also descended from heaven to earth, and Na'vi, as far as possible, have helped strengthen the saddle. Rider at that, should he explain his to іkran that for what is being done.
"Well, friend, today we with you important thing is to far to go..." - said Sergey to Roger, " "how are You?"
Roger pointed to a seat, lying there. "Well, we didn't just fly. The on with you the job!" Answer Roger Sergey understood as: "Times far away, the fly". Sergey happily rubbing his beak, and mentally showed that have to do with the saddle. However, He either knew, or have already seen. He took a hoop for winding mounting and cocked his head. Saddle came over his head and fell on his back. Sergey climbed to the top, and began to firmly establish a seat on the porch, and then drag to the measure of the line, all the time asking, "fits" does. Assistance Nа'vi will not be needed. Friends of the company rather quickly too, kid, the only girl wanted more. Load - 2 bags with even know what is inside, Nа'vi attached themselves - they have longer of arm them faster and best. All, the willingness to take off.
Ikrans, on the queue and the pair began to fly over the lake, taking a course for the south. Sergey for a moment felt myself on the deck of an aircraft carrier, the pilot rising in the air on a combat mission, lacking only the manager and the guy with the red flags. ikran immediately caught the mood of the rider, and uttered a cry in fact more like the "Hurrah!" and "Banzai!" at the same time. Spirits rose, and shimmering lake at the bottom, and the shimmering lights of the forest, the stars in the sky and slightly illuminated from the left horizon distant dawn given flight is simply fantastic charge of vivacity. It Seems That Roger never was flown at night, but he was beginning to like it. A group of 15 ikrans, lined up like geese wedge - it was so convenient to keep order and did not interfere with each other.
The lead flew ikran with one unfamiliar Nа'vi. Sergey noticed, Anhgon and Antorn, returning at night, stayed in the parking lot of rest, as well as their іkrans. The people take the second on the 3rd row on both sides, and Sergey sees in front of him on the іkгапе Anya, on the right, Nikolai. For him the Ira, and the front - Tolik. Behind Sergey focused Zhenya.
The first thing pleases - the saddle... in the stirrups you can get up and move back and forth, depending on the need in flight, without creating interference to іkran. and that's sunglasses at night is clearly not happy, it took a lot of effort to find for them the optimal position - that the wind would not hit in the eye, and when you see something.
Judging by the color of the bottom, flew some plain, and started up, to overcome a mountain range ahead. It stretches at an angle to the course, but judging by all these mountains are not the ones that you can just fly in the dark nothing, roma blurry shapes are not visible, but ikran, which sees clearly better, has already reported that on these mountains very хододно, and Sergey, remembering kinds of snow-capped peaks on earth, has received confirmation. Consequently, the air-group ikrans is moving in the direction of the pass. "A pity, "thought he, "that a flight is not the day, there's probably scared beautiful!" But now, under them a thick carpet of the luminous forests, prada there that specifically lights up indistinguishable. Yes, compass, there's no escape. Ikrans go over warm foothill plain, gradually gaining altitude, because of all we should need. Sergei feels like Roger strains on each recovery - hard it was for him, unusually, the air becomes more thin and icy.
Finally lead took a lurch to the right, and on the waves of light at the bottom, it became clear that the group is in a mountain valley-watershed - the sparkle of the threads of water at the bottom of confused difficult. Again climb. ikran began to get tired, and Sergey tried to give him his power, and how he, too, was having a hard time, ikran apparently managed to take advantage of them. The valley began to squirm, rising upward, but the pass ahead is not visible. Sergey began to realize that maybe before he not endure. But by the way of moving the wings of other ikrans, it became clear that they even harder.
Here the leading ceased to gain height, apparently, he saw some of his famous landmark, and moved to the planning that for all it was very pleasant. Silent soaring, іkrans regrouped in a more elongated and narrow shape so that you can safely maneuver in gradually narrowing towards the gorge. Right in front of the group visible to the terrace, to which shall be sent to the leader. and here, at a small distance above the river. Slight reversal bend over and seen the rocky beach, safe for the night landing. In the distance is visible fire - it means that there parking.
The field of planting the first thing to do is to unharness ikran, but also Roman, and other Nа'vi clear that this is a temporary stop, so to speak halt. Approached the guards. Their eyes are so bright in the darkness... Looked at pendants flight brotherhood, the people, said nothing, and Roman, when they go out to the assembled group in a circle and said quietly:
"This mountain clan Ita, they are the best doctors, the language we do not know, and I don't want to. But telepaths excellent, look what you think! They we're here to help, heal, and we have cast the sheetmeatic, he is not growing, and all sorts of roots for potions. So that's all good."
Came a few Nа''vi and helped people to unload ikrans, 4 bags taken with them. Ikrans themselves removed the saddle, and immediately began to swim in the river, though for that they've just entered on foot, which looked very funny.
The people were moved to the hearth, where arrivals met with the head of the clan Itanok, her name immediately formed in his mind was still on the way. She smiled, showing a series of strong, in spite of his advanced age, teeth,
Came a few Nа''vi and helped people to unload ikrans, 4 bags taken with them. Ikrans themselves removed the saddle, and immediately began to swim in the river, though for that they've just entered on foot, which looked very funny.
The people were moved to the hearth, where arrivals met with the head of the clan Itanok, her name immediately formed in his mind was still on the way. She smiled, showing a series of strong, in spite of his advanced age, teeth, and seemed quite friendly. Around the hammocks подвешаны thus, that were obtained as a rocking chairs, only not swayed back and forth, and left-to-right. The place, as befits the Nа'vi, sufficient for all, with a reserve. The guys got sheetmeatic from backpacks to snatch, but not saying a word offered his Ita's. Those not refused. One girl among them, went to Nicholas, he stood up, apparently asked, then he hit him in the back cupped a hand, why he almost losing his balance skakanul to the hearth. Why is all smiles. As Nicholas got up, she came up again and became something to not be pressed his face and shoulders, he stood straight and did not move. Next to Sergei sat Nа'vi-Ita, which, as understood at once Sergey, and gave him the idea that his friend treat headaches. Sergey surprised method, on the neighbor reacted just looked at Itanok, and put his hand to a big scar on his elbow, the rest of the залезания in the cup to ikran'sm. Sergey time to finish your piece of sheetmeatic, when a guy took his hand and smiled - scratch healed, leaving only a little trail. Now Sergey is already almost anything.
Roman, and two Nа'vi-ang sat on the sidelines and that it began to draw in the sand. Judging by the discreet gestures, something of a problem. Sergey, I tried not at all not to think, but in my head constantly thoughts kept coming in the direction of "what next". and he received the answer: "You can go, when your ikrans rest". Exhaustion overtook him, and Sergey plunged into a light doze.
While he slept, Roman asked Itanok teach "talk" Tolya. That, for their own reasons, could not refuse, and Tolya, not knowing why, he came to it, and she laid down on his head with his big hands. So they stood there for several minutes, and she did. Tolik only later realized what had happened. He suddenly realized that, for the communication of his words had not need...
"Well, we go?" - this question was almost threw out from the hammock Sergey. Half asleep, he looked around and realized that he had asked is quite a long way, and there was a voice inside him. It was Roger's voice. In the parking lot of the revival, the nature of which Sergei is already knew - pre-flight preparation. In the Ita of food in short supply, so that in a way to give couldn't do anything, only the load for those, where are they - some powders yes dried plants. Dawn of a broader, but still quite dark before the dawn. Ikrans, judging by the neatly folded on the shore of the pile of someone's bones, the gift of time, too, is not lost. While ikrans оседлывались and were loaded, the Roma have gathered all of the pre-flight coaching.
"Now we will go to the pass. It's a s say that the situation there is now difficult. From the north brings the wind a lot of snow, the passage narrowed, will take place one by one, we should do it quickly, otherwise the ikran can freeze and fall. Immediately after the passage of the turning to the left, but not right and not right. The glacier, not slide, keep the height. As far as possible... If that is what will dry stones - all are waiting there. Questions?"
"How far away from the pass to the stones?"
"and how long to pass?"
"Why didn't slip?" - ask all almost at the same time. In Addition Na'vi, of course, those apparently not the first time it is done.
"To pass close, but of power saving. From the pass to the stones - 2-turn and descend over the glacier somewhere... five minutes. Slide impossible, because under the snow stones, sharp. Fly chain the first he - Roman pointed to one Na'vi, "Then you, you and you. Further ladies... I'm sorry, but this is not the case, that would skip forward, "she smiled, "then Tolya, and further from the older to the younger - it's about the remaining Na'vi, although they and without it knew what to do.
Sergey, when it climbed into the saddle, which is all the more for it was reminiscent of pilot's seat, though he never in this't sit down, put an arm around her neck Roger and began to explain to him what needs to be done, and how it will be difficult. ikran apparently, thought, and then suddenly said "Interesting!..." The charge of curiosity even among people who do not often see...
Ikrans, smoothly, not hurriedly, saving every movement, in turn went to take off. Turn Sergey - the fourth, and he is as flat, fully trusting Roger, smoothly shot up in the air. Around the corner was already beginning to rise to the dawn, but in the gorge still dark. A string of birds giant slowly began to climb through the gorge, which has quickly ended vegetation, and it was quite dark. But where to go can be seen well in the doorway shear cliffs. In advance dressed осеняя jacket, which Sergei is not clothed with the appearance of the island, was very helpful. ikran swell, but he of course is cool. Sergey remembered how he was warmed by his, if it's cold outside - move more, and he took it in his own way-began to sweep less, but more often, which allowed to quickly restore the temperature balance - Sergey it felt as if waving wings himself.
Here's another twist to the rock and opened the pass. In fact it is a long vertical crack, left over from the collapse of the wall of the main ridge. On the wall, as in the pass is white snow, starting fun посверкивать in the rays of the rising sun dawn. Rock ridge go very high up, and judging by what is visible in the gap of the pass - tops there is wide and spacious - fly will have on the corridor, in which fiercely blowing wind. The first ikran almost vertically began to climb, and rising above the rest of meters to 300, began sharply to plan in the slot. There, and disappeared over snow barrier. Here is the second, with Nicholas, repeat the maneuver, and goes beyond the horizon. Another Nа'vi commits the rise and dives with іkran the snow. Turn Sergey, ikran large strokes hard up. How do you determine the correct height? Finally a wonderful view of the pass. There the rock, standing like a knife and dividing the space behind the pass in two, and quite a sliding down over a field of snow and ice, apparently have the same glacier. Clearly, the height of the need to store. "Come on, come on, Roger, and then at the planning fight on, let's have a rest".
and Roger gave... Probably, Sergei went to the strongest ikran of all those present at this transfer, because he got up clearly above the other, and so smoothly came to pass, that at Sergei caught his breath. In the corridor the wind goes, as it turned out, irregular, often confining to the rocks, where the direction is changed to the opposite one, and in this air-whirlpoolе very difficult not to fly into the wall of rock and ice. But Roger with Sergey managed to show the harsh, forbidding rocks, what is aerobatics and why two heads are better than one. When suddenly makes with the center, to the wall, they have time to calculate the possible thickness of the counter-flow, and Roger, puts the tail of an angle of 45 degrees to him, careful not to will slow down and not lose speed. Serey's busy wings - just feeling them as their own, he put one in diameter, other rowing up in the course. and then air-whirlpool begins to push them to the fairway, but you need time to put the wings and tail in the planning and make a dive for the set of lost speed. It is followed by the new air pressure, but on the other hand, and the reception is again repeated, already the mirror.
To the time when the gas ran out, Sergey had misted glasses. Sort of slipped. Sergey quickly wiped the glass, but then I saw right in front of the rock. To The Left! Roll.. Gone... So, to the right, all according to plan. But then he and ikran saw the picture, from which a little chilled. Out of the snow, about the rocks jutting out of the black ikran''s bones . Someone once are skipped... and for a small stone, something moved... Hell, it's the same ikran, living, and a number of snow breaks Na'vi! It's like the one before him went to the pass, apparently fell. "Remember, you are not alone, we all will always be with you as long as you're in this world, and you will not forget". - these words Angiro the dedication immediately fired in the head, and he understood them. He immediately pulled the wings, and made their feet to the "combat capture"to pull out of the snow captivity of his freezing brother. But missed. Had to sit and wait. The snow on the glacier was dense, and Roger managed to jump on the stones before his feet sank would in the snow. Finally, managed to turn around. Tried to fly - did not work, the wind pressing hard. Cold and need to know quickly. Yeah, a rock stone pocket, there tide! Let's go! Roger skips a few stones, and he winds, disclose the sails and... glide up! Yes, it is impossible, but their clan does not quit! and now, Sergey and Roger next to the victims of the crash. ikran stuck, and he can't get out, Na'vi of course it would not move. There swept over them, like hell, ikran of Aninya but it is better to fly to the end and to inform about the accident that she does. Roger slowly crosses above fellow, and spreading their wings to the fan kicks his legs out to the side, he collapses, but the legs and wings are free. Words do not, Na'vi understands what to do, while his ikran rises to his feet - jumps to Sergei, and sat down on its own tail, that would warm him, presses it to his chest. Now a little bit with the transshipment Roger saves another ikran. He jumps on the back and legs missing from the saddle. The wind pushed forward and down, so Roger with sitting at him two riders reveals again the wings, and tail flew so through his brother. The realized idea, and bit his winding hoop saddle. The result was the tug. So let's go...
Na'vi, apparently, well understood, thought about Sergey, or was experienced enough, or may ikrans smart, but tack between sticking out of the snow stones they could to the ледопада. and on and ikran Na'vi found the strength to open up and catch the wind, and ice fall became the springboard, has been a little fly. But then still on the ice, almost without a snow covering, as a skating rink angle. Left, right, cruise, but Sergei feels that Roger begins to freeze. Let's bask, wave. A few strokes, feeling better, but the wings are heavy. But already visible dry stones for the moraine, they played the sun, there apparently is warm and dry. All wings, Roger raise can not, and his colleague, and even more so. Stones to another with a kilometer, is not overcome. But there appeared silhouettes - the backup went out to meet, four powerful birds against the wind go to the people who are in trouble. and here they are next, carefully take the first Roger, then Na'vi ikran's, and quietly being dragged down to the moraine, where the fast reseeding and unloading the suffering, give them the opportunity to walk down the light.
Dry stones - this is the big boulders, brought once the ice, and now warm-up beneath the rising sun. All ikrans stand in a row, your wings, what would they rather are warmed. Na'vi ceased to massage their tails and ears, like without frostbite. All are waiting for the readiness of the ikrans, because linger here is clearly not worth it.
Until they come to themselves, Anghuon, this is the name of the saved, the gestures and the thoughts told him what had happened. Immediately behind the pass, he was thrown on the rock-the knife sharp gust of wind, but they managed to avoid it, and not be the same, that is up there, under the rock. But the speed was lost, and when immediately after this they went on the counter-flow, just fell down, sticking, as he showed as a stick in the sand. If not Sergey, pull it out, most likely could not - not yet. All Na'vi came to Sergey, and in turn put his left hand on his chest, almost all of it closing in it. From the excitement of Sergey even confused, and his friends, the people, seeing the sincere impulse, done the same thing.
"" - touched by Sergey embarrassed by the attention, - "We are one clan, its not going to throw."
"You have proved it." - seriously said Roman.

-=A small glossary=- :)
Gugis - bad carnivorous plant. The fruits of which secrete a sticky thick juice the seeds for reproduction. The juice of elasticity in compression. The plant is hunting a variety of insects by spraying juice and stick thin hair threads with subsequent sucking of these nutrients. Natural enemy of Darts.
Three-stoun - plant, consisting of stalks-needles great length. Stems are fibrous structure, linked thick resin and fiber saturated with heavy metals. According to the density and mass, resembles that of copper. A very tough and difficult to process.
Round-tree - plant a tree type, the crown of which is located on the arc between the roots.
Fish-Jampa - inedible marine predator, because of the extremely unpleasant taste his meat. Inhabits coastal waters and hunting as on the surface of the fish, and low-flying cruise. Part of the products of the metabolism and the gas out of the water accumulates in their air-bladder, possessing great strength and elasticity, holding the cup between 3 rear fins to the bottom surface. For the attack she lets go of the bottom, and "shot" of water is able to attack prey at a height of up to 15м. adult individual. After the attack the gas is released, and the creature goes to the bottom.
Ukry - the growing bushes plant, inside the leaves, which have a tubular design, mature lenticular seeds to 1see in diameter. At maturity the tip of the leaf withers and the external effects of seeds amounts out.

Chapter 7. "Transfer"...

As soon as ikrans regained their strength, immediately "stand on the wing". This is the south side of the ridge, where even at the height of more than sun and vegetation. Very quickly gorge gone down, lounging in the wide, deep valley, with the traditional river in the middle. Sometimes the river clinging to the slopes, forming a beautiful rocky pressers. Sergey noticed that he was starting to like acid landscapes and colors of this world, or maybe it's him Roger conveys something of their own.
"How are you, after the pass?"
"It was cool..." - said ikran-Roger but Sergey understood that to a charge of optimism him still to grow and grow. With a height of easy to plan, the more especially on the road to follow is not necessary - again flying wedge, but all the same course by compass checked. While there is a quiet time, Sergei asked Roger to tell you about how live ikrans arranged as their company.
For some time, Roger was silent, perhaps something over, but then one after the other in his head began to occur images from the life of these winged giants.
Sergey learned that ikrans always cleaning up the remnants of food, but we are in the village of litter and broken bones always buried in a pit for all, which they themselves digging. He learned that ikrans among themselves, too, are in a fight, but never at each other not attack - when-then the whole settlement ikrans died because of this. Moreover after falling out ikrans just don't communicate with each other, but if one sees the other in trouble - be sure to come to the rescue, if he can't cope with the production - also will help, but then divide the loot. When there's a very hungry, the ikrans hunt in packs, expelling a crowd of animals from the forest into open areas, where satisfied with uniform "logging supplies, and the inhabitants of the forests of this fear the most - the council on the "chaos "of ikrans virtually none. On ikrans attacks only the ecci, if you're hungry, or provoke him, flying under him or near, or if the ikran lose attention in the forest and it will strike some small flying needles, which are able to topple even the ecci, and in contrast to ikrans, ecci for them easy prey to the shore. Still have to. The ecci and to - it's like a hammer and the anvil for flights over the sea, do not sit down, or hide. Here ikrans help riders - their intuition and a couple of additional eye - increase the probability of survival.
The ikrans have fun, play. Roger said that before the summit he had relatives won the toss-kiking". Perhaps the most understandable for the people of the game: a subject, as a rule skull eaten animal, beginner throws up, and the others would catch his beak. If not caught - score receives had caught the who - so that he score, and the right to throw. The winner receives the right of the "first take-off from the place. "You can see some of ikrans football player caught..." - thought Sergey. There are still some games that no one except ikrans can't understand, for example "pull-pull". But there are quite cruel in relation to production of the game. ikran is considered "adult" as soon as himself will bring the fruit of their prey. The ikran, which is seen more and knows, is considered the most authoritative. So the riders for them for some time now became an integral part of the "culture", and, in its own way, the object of study. This barrage of information Sergey digested not without difficulty. He had long since realized that the concept of "reason" here is very concerning.
But Roger in a duty has not remained, and asked Sergey question, from which he fell into a light stupor, because I found not at once what to say.
"Why did you quit wrestling, this is so interesting?" Only a minute later Sergey managed to formulate the answer that he changed his interests, had a girl, for which he cared, and then she asked "to remain just friends, "and he moved to another area and the occupation simply ceased to prosper, and the coach seems lost interest in studies, although all paid regularly." But he still thought that it was a mistake.
"I will try to get better", - but he said nothing. He and Sergey prefer to enjoy the view around them - white peaks behind and to the left, mountain ranges, tightly wrapped in a purple-bluish vegetation, and increasingly the brightness of the green sky. In the horizon goes already familiar mountainous landscape, but at the horizon of the mountains, as such, is not visible.
All the same down - it's not up to plan and entertain you can on the debt. Bright vegetation at the bottom as something of itself levelled off, there were trees-giants, and they can see the groups with accrete crowns. Flying over them and can not understand that this is not the hill, and such a forest of giant.
But now appeared ahead edge of the sea, the beach. At the bottom of stretches unequivocal plain, with a subtle network of rivers, but they are no doubt. Visible swirls of green, whether by water, whether from reflecting the sky, and lakes. The squadron followed the lead, started to fall to the right, gradually taking the course along the coast.
Beach, not much of the rugged, was a small rocky cliffs, between which there were various forms of bays with wide beaches. "The resort" - noticed Sergey. On the beaches, some creatures, someone crawling, someone dived, someone flew and forth like a seagull. Sometimes you can see a rather large skeletons of some creatures, beached. Height gradually began to drop, when on top of one of capes has seen a big circle, built of stones. Aerobatic team immediately went on the decline, but not in a circle, and in the deep lagoon immediately behind him. There, on the coast of a broad river, there is something like a few angara-similar structures, around which a movement has begun blutailers inhabitants. On closer examination, it turned out that the frame of the hangars of the bones of some gigantic creatures, chest which now serves as a supporting structure. Roger is satisfied: in the forest around he had seen, who can eat. And Sergei, by type of parking and the atmosphere at the bottom realized that the movement finally completed. At least half of...

Chapter 8. Mo and Ang'

Before hangars enough room that can sit down all at once. Immediately many ran strong, as if from a rocking chair, Na'vi, and began to quickly unload ikrans, guys and Na'vi-ангов greeted warmly, as if a long time not seen. This kalan Mo.
"And Mo'at there't want hour?" - started a joke Nikolai.
"Not yet..." she laughed Romanа, "But that's an interesting thought..."
They walked in the side of a large "hangar", which, apparently, and was the place of permanent residence of the clan Mo. It is clear, that the leader must see the guests. But at the entrance of the guys saw the picture, from which wanted to rub my eyes and missed. There were two men, one, as it is not paradoxical, in the traditional Na'vi's dress, skirt, who happily began to cuddle with Romanом, and that after the greetings, represented people-Ang' him. But it's not the most interesting. Leaning against the wall, was a bearded man with a beer belly and his red t-shirt, which had the same rinsed jeans. The view was supplemented with a large wooden mug, type of beer, of which he is constantly something slurp-up. In the exterior, he looked like a bicycle on the Moon.
"Hi Hawke!"
"Hi big boy!" - said beard, - " I look youth reached... do discos banned?"
"Oh... Long story."
"Come to the light, my hut for the house, tell the news from the Homeland.." - beard did wink, - "Come and Sit down, have a chat, and I have a real shashlik is!"
"Intrigue, let's go!.."
Inside the "house" was two floors. On the top, located in a circle, something like sleeping room and quite comfortable, and the bottom was strengthened big processed stones, and decorated tree. Everything was very well done, with a large reserve of strength, if it were not for the "house, "and a spaceship. The leader, a fairly young Na'vi, with very sad eyes, introduced himself to the people-the angam as Mo'os, said that it was very appreciative of their work. This is already translated Tolik. Mo'os said that Mo - this fraternal clan Ang', and any Ang' here can feel at home, regardless of the presence of the tail. After that, welcomed all the regulations hand on his shoulder, and went away somewhere.
Roman said that they have one day to the fact that to have a rest and gain strength before the opposite road.
"But why so long?" - all have become accustomed to a constant rate, so rest-stop for a day in one place looks strange.
"It seems to be a storm, it had to sit out." "He said, and after that became something actively discuss with Na'vi-Mo, and oddly enough, with him were the Ira and the Auv, and the guys the same curiosity, and the desire to shish kebab, therefore, not long thinking, all of them went to I.
Infiniti lives in a separate house. A classical Russian peasant hut, only the roof is collected not from the roofing and from some shells, tightly linked to each other in any of the glue.
Inside is quite common interior, with the specifics of the materials of this world. On the table dishes from a variety of shells and wood. Shashlik over the coals in a special in extension to the furnace. Why oven in the tropics - as long as I did not ask steel, the very fact of such phenomena seem to be more fantastic, than much what he saw earlier. Shashlik engaged in a man in Na'vi's skirt, as Timothy. On the back of his neck was visible pendant flight brotherhood, and the Vasilich nothing can be seen.
Sit at a normal table on a bench or chair - no longer out of the question. After the traditional words for-life for-the weather, the Hawke began to ask "what is there in the world "our" going on", he was told about the "Avatar", but he did not understand anything, in addition, where all of a sudden began to speak "ikran" and "Na'vi". Prior to this, he called ikrans "the beak-gad's" and Na'vi - "blu-hell-shirers". But he was not offended. In general, he gave the impression of a man of some solid, with a broken soul or something. Clashed with the world significantly. Of course, a question: how it here?
"How like... went for a Walk. With Jack, in the evening. Walked in the woods, Jack runs, I was behind him, just as usual. Then the fog and all. Go look - from adam we have the mountains was not, yes even violet bushes... Thought sick, I drunk with a beer or something, I think I'll go home, and go the - nowhere! About this crap, if not Jack, would have annihilated me. Now, return to the blue hell, I'm a builder, see how I them shacks made? On both! Earlier was unlucky hurricane - battered by all completely, now - although the earth crack - will stand. I also them it is such a thing done" - here Vasilich pulled out of a cupboard, a rather coarse, thick bone stick with the radius at the end - "To see what it is?"
"The Gun?"
"Harpoon! The Present! There driven harpoon from the Three-stoun..." - he pointed to direct the end of the bone, where there was a hole like a tree trunk, " "inside the bubble fish-Jampa, I have developed juice Gugis, it shrinks, but it is very elastic, and see, see the hook, behold, dart-harpoon stood up. Here shrugging and - a shot..."
"Mo dive and hit the fish," "said Timothy, "And Hawke invented for them harpoon's gun. When you tried - was allowed to live with a clan. Now he then local attraction."
"And you have ikran?"
"Ikran!? I hate these things. How do you get along with them can still do not understand..."
There was a tense pause, guys are clearly not expecting such a reaction, and this is Timothy expected. On his face is noticeable smile.
"Hey, don't scare the kids and the barbecue cool, better tell me, as a matter of was it.
"Don't tell," - Vasilich visibly tensed, - "they Killed Jeka, nor for that, and even tortured..." - here Vasilich twisted. See flooded with emotions, that would not show them he folded up, and went out into the street.
"Do not understand..." She looked him in the trail, and Nicholas took the Timothy.
"What was that?"
"The dog he was. Jeka. Three-year-old staffordshire terrier. With him he came and went. Then he wants here the farm to arrange, eightlegses breed. Staffordshire their guard."
"Eightlegses - who is this?"
"Uh.. imagine what would happen if you crossed a crab with a cow? Such a pincer crab, with a trunk at the bottom, walks and eats the grass, if panic, under the shell of hide - and figs get. He had meat is good, actually shashlyk as a time of it, tastes like?"
"It is not clear, or chicken, or beef."
"In addition to this he had eggs. He was young feeds, but with the right approach - not only them. Mo as he showed it, immediately and the farm decided to do. Now, once arrived ikrans, and let's eightlegses hack."
"How is that?" - squeezed roast barbecue, said Nikolai a searching.
The"Wing. Will cut him a few feet, and he was already on the one hand in the land, not a bite out of. ikran it turns around and eating. Well, let's dog ikrans for the feet bite. And they are not thinking long bitten off his feet and then his eyes Vasilich another half an hour half-dead in the "toss-kiking" played. The winning him as a tablet swallowed. And eightlegses also all ate with him. And he Jeka their loved immensely."
"I had a puppy picked up, returned gloomy Hawke. Lived - the soul of the soul, while the creatures of his..." - Infiniti bitterly swallowed. - "Want a beer?""
"No... something not pulls... And that, is there?"
"He it from bush ukry prepares. Said better malt and wheat."
"Yes you, the fans of ikrans, never drink alcohol not persuade the encoded you or what?.. Or these monsters with wings you on the brain in this way act..?"
"Timothy, and how are you here?" - got into a conversation Sergey.
"And how are you? "Yes that's the same way. Only now I'm here on a permanent residence settled."
"And why not it... well..."
"Where's my blue tail? But the Roman her and ask... and That he Jul found moves as skin do... Roman had a teacher that was, like, and taught something there in the portals of chemical, but I couldn't. Yes well, Mo guys these are they for me who want to come throat'll all be at."
"That is true," - said Vasilich, - "Timofeych have them in authority."
"Did something special?"
"I always know where the Tour. I am feeling..."
"Cool! Ahh, and you're back what not returned?"
"And how do I do that?"
"It ikrans and close to me not for the crowd, if only as a snack..." - decoded Timothy.
The door opened, and she poked her head Roman, for he was frightened Anya.
"So guys, we have a problem. Serious. The ira lost."
All out on the street. In the House of Roman bent uncomfortable, and in the fresh air familiar apparently communicate.
"Urgent call ikrans. We seek."
"What happened?"
"Anya with Ira flew with the ministry of defense from the shore catch drag. Flown, booted, and on the way saw as sea dogs marriage rites are doing..."
"This is such marine amphibious. Dolphin with his feet in total. They have, when the marriage of the game, they are on the shore of the light-show satisfied, Jean-Michel Jarr is rest. Now, the Ira said it will look, and lagged behind. At the parking lot it didn't, flew call - it's not there, and dogs, too. Can Tour was, can the ecci, but we need to look for her. Fast - approaching storm, everybody feels it."
Time to bleed. Ang's ikrans probably were nearby, and to an alarm call is responded to immediately. Sitting right in front of a log hut Vasilich they have taken all his site, and that the steps frowned as guys deftly pop into the chair and soar into the sky.
"It is not here a long time, and already in the brotherhood..." growled with sadness Hawke.
"Young people..." - he grinned slyly Timothy.
Ikrans meanwhile, joined a large group of others from the Mod, and took a course in north-east along the coast, went at low altitudes instilling panic in coastal wildlife. Fly all in silence and concentration. The bad thoughts go away, but they still climbing. "You like her?" - suddenly asked Roger. Sergey surprised. Not the fact that he asked, and the question, he once this question was not asked before. "She wants you select" added Roger. "Search..." - "we Will!" as always answered cheerfully ikran, and somehow picked up the spirit at his rider. Sergey and without it was full of determination to find Ira. The very lagoon marine dogs have already explored the length and breadth, no trace of the Ira and its іkrans. It is somewhat reassuring - it means not exactly the ecci, then it would be something lying on the shore, and it is unlikely that co - then it would be from him on the shore would have been visible to an appreciable trace.
When they reached the lagoon, search engine group split - Na'vi, Mo and Ang' mixed, flew to explore the sea, the people in the different sides of the search through forest on the shore. Several Na'vi with them. Sergey decided to move in the most improbable from the point of view of logic plot is through a small hill to the trees giants. Roger gave to understand, that in such places come across all sorts of things, because in the branches of the giants of its own life. Roman come around the hill, trying to see if not for Er, at least the Princess, but no trace of it is not visible. Flew into the trees. From above it is clear nothing was visible, so I had to heavily down, and go under the crown from the bottom. The vegetation on the branches stirred and faded - little hunting deal with іkran. But, when passed the greater part of the area under the branches of trees, Roger gave the alarm signal pointing to the white, soaking corpses of different animals at the bottom, and they were almost in a bunch of and can be seen that they did not touch the scavengers. "What is it?" "and Sergey has appeared the image of the double-enema with needle-like language and four sharp wings. Being like a dart stucked in the body and sucks out all the fluid out. Then he saw a lot of them are being attacked from all sides. Sergey immediately remembered that forgot to ask Roman about some "dar-es", about which I said Jul. I guess "darts". Now it is clear - they live slots, which can be seen on a pile of mummies near. Like the Ira in the heap of no, and іkrans it, too, became to be, better get out of here quickly. "But the search is not over, and Sergey continues to iron grey-violet forest, excluding land to land.
To be continued in chapter 9. "The salvation of the savior"...
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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Chapter 9. "The salvation of the savior"...
Roger sometimes disclose his tail and a bit of a balancing wings, trying to maintain something like equilibrium. Get the feeling, that is a set of height, this tornado pulls everything up, but navigate to the extent of not obtained. Sergey understands that he is together with his іkran somewhere rushes at great speed, and wants only one thing - not meet with any of the mountain, like "tower"-a reference, which in this case is sure to find itself stronger.
In such moments the time goes by its own rules, and to say exactly how many were Roger and Sergey within the hurricane is impossible, but it seemed that for a very long time. Look for a glimpse of dust and debris around Sergey tired, he had unlike Roger's no protective transparent century, he closed his eyes. Opened them only then, when he felt that the Icran flies smoothly and was looking for something.
Roger was looking for shelter, because exhausted completely. A furious wind carries him to a ravine, in which guessed through the mist of vegetation. This is something reminded Sergey his longtime dream of some almost forgotten reality, and now he and ikran saw the dark gaping long hole in the rock on the right, and if you strain, you can get into the grotto.
Man and ikran started complicated maneuvers that would have blown them brought closer to the shelter, but ledges and high trees is constantly hindered to enter the correct path. In the end, He makes a leap, and the beak clings to the tree next to the entrance of the grotto. The sapling of such immediately pulled out by the roots, but the body of Roger with already folded wings at the inertia turns around and back into the cave. Sergey, could not resist the centrifugal force, make a backflip, slipping on his back ikran's, sliding on the tail, and compacted into a deep tree immediately taken away by the hurricane to nowhere. Icran also actively her feet, forces his body away from the terrible air flow. It Turned Out...
Sergey stood up, and looked around. Only now he realized that in addition to wind-storm they still watering rain - soaked to the skin. Roger easier - with him as with a goose... Grotto was wrong, the crop form, with long curved down the entrance, and at the bottom of the large outdoor area, and the wind blows right into it, forming a draft nearly all the grotto. The most interesting is that in the grotto of asylum found not only he Roger: at the Top, in the corner, leaned against the wall a whole family wolfаlyers - apparently their nest on a tree destroyed the storm. In depth, in a narrow fold of the flashing eyes a few creatures smaller, more similar to six-handseble monkeys with like-lizardble heads, and yet some eared smooth-wooly carcass with a long mustache, for the monkeys to consider not really succeeded. The whole company is not without horror looked to Sergei, the ikran's, but more still to ikran's, because he might be hungry. Around the grotto scattered leaves of sticks and twigs and all kinds of forest litter, under the feet of many stones of various forms and size.
Splashes of rain, the wind blows in a grotto, were going on the walls and the floor, and streams flowing down. Find a quiet, secure place did not work, and Roger any maneuver. And so he pursed his feet, which would fit.
Gradually the adrenaline from Sergey wearing off, and he started a little bit cold, the wind that helped, yes, and the water too. He opened his backpack, check that there is of the supplies. A Piece of Tolin's sausage, a third package of crackers, is a little swamped, a few sweets and, of happiness - thick sheet sheetmeatic's. Eat everything turned out, sheetmeatic, as the filled with moisture and tastes like lemon tea with pineapple syrup and jalapeno, went into the last turn. The feeling of satiety is not reached, but a little aroused. Sergey saw that Roger is not very cheerfully, and came to him and took him by the beak as he could, tried to share with him his energy, though not imagine how it's done. But, judging by the way he blinked, apparently he has all turned out. Sergey, warily eyeing the wolfаlyers, got a wing Roger, so both warmer. And under permanent snuffle and whistling wolfаlyers he tried to sleep a rest, until the storm won't go away. But the energy from the food was gone, and a storm was still there. We have to do something.
Here comes to mind is a simple idea - and not block if the ash pit in the grotto, the opening at the bottom? The material is like... Sergey, kneaded stiff muscles, I drove up there a few stones, and began to put in a dual emphasis branches, adjusting them with a knife to the desired length. Flying outside water constantly slaps in the face, and to depart a little deeper, what would prepare a building material, and then again with a jerk, mount the barricade. When it came to large branches with leaves, as a shield, Sergey faced with the problem of how their strengthen "the wind" carried the barrier before he could get at her anchor, and, behold, holding the leaves and wondering how to get something from the top of the grotto for the pillars, and had to leave the leaves and go and bring a bunch of sticks and cameos, he felt that someone was grunting, it pokes a stick in the back. It was wolfаlyer. One of them held in the jaws of a thick stick, and the second, or the second, rolled up his stone. Coming from a small shock, Sergey immediately took advantage of the help, and three of the work went more efficiently. In the grotto, in process of growth of the barricades, it became more and more dry and quiet. Sergey wad of leaves and sticks, and wolfаlyers turning back, and cocked back on his like-wings of tails, the hind legs covered the small stones and sand on the entire structure, then all went and gathered more materials, which are of narrow slits cast connected to the common cause lizardheadly monkeys, until it was cleaned from them all the grotto. Barricade though not completely blocked within and looked homely, but was rather strong, and in the grotto was quite comfortable. wolfаlyers, is also satisfied with the results, went upstairs to his already begun to spread cubs, and Sergey to Roger. Now you can relax! Tired but happy inhabitants of the grotto gathered in a big pile of about Roger, and clung to each other behind their backs decided to sit together. Wolfаlyers even her two cubs brought. Getting warm under the wing of his flying a comrade in arms of the wolfаlyer, Sergey sank in the tense slumber.
Woke up because something has changed. Stopped howling wind. Outside sadly it was raining, already without the wind, overcast sky is the same as on earth. The inhabitants of the grotto slowly began to be chosen out, because the rain for them is not the reason to hide. But Roger was not going to do anything - he was hungry and felt very tired. Sergey understood that he had to eat, but how to do it? Yes, and have the stomach under-sucking. "I'll go look around, can it have something delicious" - Sergey gave the sign of the Prince, and he agreed, but asked for extra time it did not bother.
At this point in the grotto remained only he and Sergey, who climbed over the barricade and on the stones and wet folds of rock slid down. Now he will have to hunt alone. Finding a less suitable stick, and reshave her with a knife,that Sergey got my rope out of her bag and tie her knife to stick I got a very good spear. Making his way through the dense forest vegetation with such a weapon, he feels papuan in the jungle. The rain quickly soaked it again to the skin, and rivulets of water running down her back, under her clothes, and quivered on the feet, which is very unpleasant. Sergey remembered na'vi'sclothes: there is such "flowing" water are excluded, and began to understand more of Timothy of the Mo.
In the forest animals was of course, but get close to someone you can not do it. Sergey was getting tired climbing over fallen trees and bushes, when he heard behind familiar whistle. Apart stood wolfаlyer, and looked directly at him. When he saw that his Sergey said, he turned around with her back to him, and after a few steps, turned his head. So do the dog, when the name is somewhere a man. Sergey followed wolfаlyer. The leaping nimbly through the branches and fallen trees sometimes stayed, what would wait for the white-skinned papuans. But the moment he suddenly jumped to the top, and working wings was unveiled in the thick dripping purple leaves. First, Sergey understood nothing, but then, looking more closely, he saw right in front of a large shrub-tree sheetmeatic's! He was like a big pineapple without fruit, overlooking the measure at four up, and all strewn with its leaves, so that the trunk is not visible. There was in him at the top, one can only guess. However, it is not important, ten minutes later Sergey felt like a new man.... backpack was full of the most succulent leaves to the eyeballs. But Roger he had not forgotten. So the chase was on, but the plan in his head still not there.
In the forest there was a cautious crunch. Obviously something big moves. Sergei walked cautiously to the bypass, and hiding under overgrown moss and vines log, from behind a bush saw that one who actually was noisy. It is a large measure on the more than two, if not more, absolutely smooth rounded and elongated shell, on which there are traces of any predators in the form of shallow scratches. Under the carapace of around six feet, quite strange. They are covered with a thick, rough skin, which undry hardens and becomes like an armor. Feet thick and muscular, but on the fact how they are being stirred, to understand where there knees or is there any bones at all failed. Each leg ends with two opposed claws - wide and flat and sharp. Somewhere in the center of down hangs thick cut-off trunk with his beak and flat jaws, which always something to chew. And to extract food and help push it in its beak help two bony "hands" beside him. The creature had not one, for him it was possible to hear and see more, different sizes. When on top of something loudly crunching, claws on his feet immediately have clung to the earth and what is in it, and the creature присело, removing the legs and trunk inside its shell. "Eightlegses..." - without a doubt decided to Sergei, and remembered shashlyk from Vasilich. The problem of one - is not clear how this creature can see and hear, rather than, "this should be understood before you begin with him to do something.
A little after watching how eightlegses, Sergey noticed that they are in a trailer, can't climb over a lying high logs and under them, too - shell are not allowed, and roam the kind of fire. One of them leads to extensive clearing of the curve of the form. In spite of the rain, eightlegses get out there not in a hurry: open space for any dangerous. But Sergey had already has a plan - to cut off one, what would he came to an open place, and there as one of his tormoznut before the arrival of Roger. The trouble was, legs eightlegs such a hundred is not something that knife, and a samurai sword not have them, here we have something like a jedi lightsaber...
When one of the eightlegses would be between him and the clearing, Sergey fells dead tree between him and the rest of the herd. It is so old that is coming apart itself, but eightlegses do not know this, and yet they ears from the noise, in a literal sense, Sergey went construct an ambush on the meadow.
Where popretsya this land molluscs in the clearing guess is impossible, so ambush organized on the very edge. Sergey surrounded myself with leaves, and lay with his spear on the grass so that it would be not visible. Now just wait... and do not move.
The rain drips right in the face. Lying't see what's going on around, so that the approximation of eightlegs it became known only at the shock on his land legs, and on the specific sound movement and chewing vegetation. And here he is near. Sergey's heart sank - if he will, then Sergey here will remain forever. And here's the shadow covered Sergey, and right before the nose was held foot, standing immediately behind the head. It's Time To...
Never before Sergey himself killed nobody, the more of these large creatures, not caused, and not trying to harm him. With an effort, but sharply raised his spear and rammed it in the flesh eightlegs the bottom. He issued a dull and nasty loud growl, moan, and started beating, trying to hide, but knife stuckly deeper. Then eightlegs began to twist in the body, to be free from embedded in his spear Sergey, sharply shifting their big feet, and Sergey it took a lot of agility that would spear hold, and under the leg did not get. "I'm sorry, eightlegsy, that the life of your back, which could save others!... Let your soul be free, and the body will remain here..." - like a prayer halfcrying Sergey, thinking only one thing: "Roger, damn you damn, where are you, now your whole food flee, go here for a long time I can't stand!.."
Eightlegs still knocked already embarked on his haunches Sergey, when he saw a number quietly landed ikran. As in slow motion, it was clear that the gently sideways, placed in the side of his leg, then the other, blessed with the first one. After that, sat down, and, turning his whole body, with elongated first knee wing on the other hand, is collected from all the dope hit on the legs восминога. Sergey closed his eyes and felt a sharp and a thud at some point loosened his spear, then right at him dropped something heavy and thick, and then crushed so that the chest is almost formed, and in the eyes of the dark. Sergey has decided that he has come to an end. But soon the pressure eased, and turn on the light.
Roger cut down all three legs on the part of Sergey, one of the legs had fallen on it. But then it fell himself eightlegs, and almost crushed him of his weight. But Roger flipped it, freeing Sergey, now busily understands with his entrails next. Sergey stood up, and rubbing her breasts for some time and came to himself. Catching his breath, looked at the result. Icran, apparently, the first thing kills eightlegs bites a little side from the place where the trunk, then bite off the "hands". A fragment with a knife he had already pulled out from the body, and he was lying nearby. It turned out that the eye of the eightlegs not at all, but the weight of some hairs-receptors around the trunk and between the legs. While Sergey took off the rope and cleaned the knife, Roger, it seemed right purred with pleasure - it turned out that eightlegses - it is their delicacy. "Well, not just your..." - Sergey replied, remembering the barbecue.
A eightlegs one іkran actually a lot. Yes, even on an empty stomach. But, judging by the movements of wolfаlyers in the foliage around - the meat will not prosper. Now we must think how to get back to the parking lot Mo. It is unclear where to go.
Satiated, Roger for some time gave himself in order. And Sergey stared at his compass, because it did not understand the side from which he had fallen. All that he knew that the Ira were flying the search in the north-east, and the sea was right, that is in the south-east, and the dry land, where he and Roger flew to the north - west. But then it was not until the invention of the compass.
Roger tore a big shmat meat from the shell eightlegs, and looking carefully at his rider, threw him on his back. Sergey understood it - he wants this piece of take with them, the commission so to say... "You're a real traveler become!..." - smiled at him, Sergey, and reached tie "dry-rations" for ikran's to the saddle.
The rain slowly is on the wane, the droplets are rare, but the sky is still overcast. Roger said that above the clouds fly will not - there is cold and thick clouds. However, one lifting up Sergei was already enough to feel that the situation was getting better. Roger remembered, as he was being carried out on the wide gorge, and from which side. There and flew, it was the north-west. The most unpleasant, if there is a sea, then will have to fly through it. Then, gradually through the rainy mist began to open spacious sea horizon. Fulfilled the worst expectations of...

Chapter 10. "The Sea"...

By mutual agreement Roger with Sergey landed on the high cliff, hit the water expanses. Both must be set to as long, and just dangerous and heavy flight. The rain had stopped, but to the south the wind drove the water of the big waves, and a rather low hanging clouds. For the ikran this is especially risky journey - don't sit down for a rest, from the bottom to the top of the ecci... One hope that the hurricane they took not so far from the shore with a parking lot Mo, and they manage to overcome the distance before run out of force or the sun go down.
"Remember, you're now my eyes" "Roger said Sergei, and he replied:
"And you are my wings!".
"Not the first time..." - said Roger. He further explained that not many ikrans, from those that he knows, can dare to do this. Usually the unknown sea explore along the shore and from the height. But he himself is interesting to take a chance.
"Fly!" - graduated from the lyrics Roger, and smoothly shot up in the air.
When the weather is sunny, the sea evaporates, and above it can be a lot of planning on the updrafts, but now we need to make efforts, that would keep the height. Sergey felt it immediately, as ikran began to move away from the shore. Even with the height of the prospect was seen not far away, and they can not see nothing like the dry land. But he and Roger still full of strength and determination. Sergey did not take his eyes from the water, trying to remember the details attack to the first day: what was before the surge? Then the sea was calm, and at first it was a small swelling of water, then to the shot... Now a bit of a storm, Sergey is not a sailor, that would be evaluated in points. But in such waves to consider such a low observable excitement practically not possible, therefore he peered intently into the water, then looked horizons on the subject of the ecci. Surprisingly, the flight was normal. Roger grimly, as far as possible saving power, pushing himself and his friend forward.
Over the sea in the speed sometimes it is difficult to navigate, as in the distance. Below you one and the same water, the waves, and the impression is made, that you are not flying, and imitated in place. But they both realize that it is not so. Time drags on, the forces go, but nothing on the horizon is not visible. Although... that is the beginning of a dark emerge from the shadow of the darkness of the horizon, and trying to see what it is, Sergey almost missed something more serious.
Looking down, more from habit, to his horror noted under the water movement. The dark mass of twisted as it goes right by them, and the speed is clearly not inferior. To! Roger understood and added the move. But to not only have not left behind, but also began to go forward. So, we begin to maneuver. To to throw one must take a certain position in the water, and he wants to make an ambush, trying to get around the ikran front. Lurch to the left, turn-Tour raises a wave of his monstrous tail, that would change the course. Now there is no doubt, at Roger with Sergey was going hunting. Sharply to the right, and move, move... From the water pulled out a giant tail of the sea serpent, which again have to abruptly turn, but the inertia does not allow to do it quickly. As he turned away, and began again to catch up, they managed to align the course to the dark mass on the horizon. But given the speed of seeing the chances are slim, and Sergey started to think of maneuvers for the care of throw this monster. Roger was too busy, that would be something to answer, because he knew that at any moment will be attacked. But at some point it seemed that the Tour got left behind, we threw away, because it was not visible at the bottom.
No sooner had this thought be formulated in my head, like a little ahead of the water rose, and with the depth flew thick body of the tour, at the opening her three toothy jaws. Sergey had to consider, that the kaliningrad region has no language, and the sky dotted with white suckers. ikran instantly stops may not, inertia, to know it, and had a stroke. But he did not expect that such a development of events has already contemplated: Roger makes it easy tailspin, with mutually opposite the angle of attack of the wings, Sergey, not to fly out of the saddle, that is urine in it seized, and shouted something to the supply voltage. ikran was held near the mouth was already open, the fit between the end of the open jaws. Tour, which in the dark and murky eye between the jaws, reacted, and losing balance reached for the elusive prey. Roger went out of spins, but it, despite all the efforts, simply presses to the water, the heart beats like a three-phase pump, wings are waving with such speed, that they are almost not visible, but the water was closer and closer, and why it is not seen falling Tour...
"Well, Roger, not yet, not yet, let's!"
It seemed that push in the water, when laid the half-darkness. The pressure at the top waned, and he immediately rose above the water, and feverishly was literally moving away from this place. Sergey decided to look, and saw a butterfly. In any case, the first impression like that. Only the butterfly is very large, the scope of its four oval-carrying wings was so great that compare with nothing worked. Head, if it was a head can be called, rather projection with the eyes and eyebrows-wings, was almost together with the body, in the middle of which, along the body, a vibrating mouth around her, many tentacles of different length and thickness, firmly wrapped around her shaking with convulsions body to. It has already pulled out of the water, and pulled him to the mouth. Sergey still had time to consider a flat, like a wolfflayerses, tail, only gigantic size and short relative to the body of the whole being, a few tight to the body, the feet, and an additional number of small, compared with the major, transparent wings, who are working with great speed, now created a craving for the movement. Consider the limbs of this monster-ecci once, as and try to imagine what the path of evolution could produce such a monster, because he and Roger in this company felt a gnat next to steppe eagle who has captured the viper.
Force Roger to the outcome, but get out here without any problems this is enough. A little to the right, where the beginning of the visit the sun and the sky cleared, was the black silhouette of an island somewhere. Roger went there, not able to recruit already the correct height, but the choice was not. The island seemed to stubbornly did not want to come, but when it became clearly visible, it became clear that it is better not to sit - but half was covered with dry and half-rotting the corpse of the ecci, which immediately led to the idea of drotics. But for him I see another, and another, and from last forces, the possibility of planning, Roger with Sergey get to the shore, where the already walking away out of the water. When he reached the nearest place, where just don't get sea water, they found a hiding place in the bushes and literally fell from his feet, He just sat down on the belly and breathing heavily. Fatigue is such that even is not desirable. And I need to go had to be both...
But before nightfall supplies of food were almost destroyed. Sergey had built a fire, but matches-lighters he was not, and breed friction, as he knew from books, did not have neither forces, nor desire. Roger said that he really did not like the mouth, but he was very pleased with the fact that now knows the reception against her. About the ecci didn't even talk like...
Falling asleep around which has already become native wing Roger, Sergei an idea of what to do next. They deviated from the course to the west, and to the west also runs a chain of islands, it would be better to fly over them, calmer and safer, until the end, and there is already at the rate of up to shore. But have them so quickly carry so far. But to have to night, so that choosing unusual about it. Roger plan arranged, but he said that if the last island of the coast will not be seen - something on it he will have a rest.
After a rest and sleep, Serey with Roger slowly, as if on the last battle, gather in the way. In the dim light of the phosphorescent vegetation he secured a seat, and finished, as Roger, the remnants of food. Then slowly, as if afraid someone frighten away, quietly took over the island.
From the height of the appearance of the cosmic picture. In black, deeply thick darkness, stood rows of different luminous, like stars, points island vegetation, which went into the horizon as the milky way. On a moonless sky, too, lit up by real stars. Space, and only. In this state, Sergei, or as not managed to catch the feeling of the horizon, to not fall in the lurch. But Roger him a little reassured, stating that the horizon he feels good. So and flew into the dark endless expanse among the stars.
Although in such darkness can not see anything, but Sergei did not impair the attention, watching for that would be on top of one of the stars did not close, Roger same just held rate over the islands, giving his rider about all deviations. Sergey, hardly looking at almost glowing arrow of a compass, keeping maneuvers, but overall it turned out that the islands are flat on the west. This continued until one of the islands was not very long and curved, before you joined the great coastline.
"Land!!!" - the joy of both travelers, there was no limit. What began mainland coast, seen on the failuring and crumpling carpet coastal vegetation in the darkness of the sea water. Roger didn't even too lazy to make a circle in this place.
Now, when the sea bypassing finished, you need to move to the south. More precisely to the south-west, but it is better to stay still line the shore. Beach walking from side to side, like a torn highlighted the blanket, and when he reached the next cape, have already been extensively to the south-west. You should now be able to consider the parking lot Mo, hidden in the deep lagoon. Landmark - the circle on the cape at night and can not see. Finally Roger gave the signal, that seemed to know the place, over which the flies, but Sergey had only seen the rugged light at the edge of the coastline, and the bright carpet of vegetation on the right. Roger just fell, what would outlines of the bank became more distinct. At one point Sergei considered in the glowing spot a dark circle, and decided to check back to land. Roger didn't mind.
Almost to the touch, it turned out that this is a small stone boulders, which on the whole perimeter had some cuts and designs from the stones. "Stonehenge" - it occurred to him, and then had to explain what it is Roger. But this is already happening on the way to the great pole near the "house" of the Mo. Sea odyssey completed...

Chapter 11. Lost and found.

Roger so softly landed, that no one even noticed. He shucked his saddle, he noticed that, though tired, but not much, and now will go to the forest to get some food for themselves. Sergey understood that in this situation before dawn to fly he would not, and said to Roger that he can relax on the occasion of the completion of such a heavy adventures. After that he moved to the "house ".
Inside, regardless of the night there is movement - something is packed, something is sewn, something takes place and build, but without all the fuss. The Appearance of Sergey has caused not a few of positive emotions, many put their hands on his chest, sincerely glad of his salvation. But he then sees no one. It calls Mo os, and smiling with his sad eyes says right in the head:
"Made you worry, brother. Something has changed, and you have to meet with my friends, they're in the next "house". Here, take this." - Mo'os took brought a bunch of sheetmeatic and a piece of a broiled of the big fish like perch, and handed it over to Sergey.
The next house - this is the same bone hangar, only smaller. Apparently his appointment something like hotels for coming from afar. Here Sergei saw almost sleepy hollow, a slight movement only by the fire, we must keep the fire burning. But the emergence of the lost alive and healthy caused a significant revival, many students left their hammocks. Among the greeting Sergey immediately recognized Jul and not found a Roman.
"Well you... that's a bad man, we were startled," - said happily Tolik. Because of the navi caution came out Kolya, with a smile of relief on his face. But his clothes were surprised by Sergey - instead of the half-boots - hastily stitched leather galoshes, and on his thigh - na'vi's skirt! Though in size... IN the hands - unfinished cover for the knife from some wrapped in skin bones.
"Nikolay, do you decided to grow a tail, and ears?"
The smile vanished from the face of Nicholas, and the evil said:
"Hey, you, a couple of words - and you get in a turnip, understood?" - Sergei was taken aback by such a reaction, but in the case of the internally prepared for a fight. The remaining silent, not knowing what the conflict.
"So-so-so," - between them immediately jumped through Tolya, holding their hands, " "Quiet! Sergey, Nikolay was in serious big-pig-trobols, and between the other one is for you. So let's without irritating, yes? And you, Nikolai, it would be better explained what had happened, and not the character showed!.."
"Well, to tell..." - cooled Nikolai, apparently realizing that humiliate him no one was not going to be changed now... because Of the "velcro".
"No, well, in such clothes are lots of advantages to local weather..."
"Then can exchange?"
"Is not my size..."
"Stop-stop! Again said Tolik, come on order. Earrings, you knew there would be a storm, why stayed on the search?"
"It seemed to me that I know where to look for the Ira. By the way, have you found?"
"Was Found. She had Ita' clan. And you have seen how you suffered with ikran in the sea."
"His name is Roger..."
"Oh, yes. When the storm was over, fly off in search of you too, began to comb coast and water. Kolya saw your backpack..."
"I have not lost!"
"Yes, but we do not know. And climbed up to get out of the water. It turned out that it is just a stone such like, and sat beside fish-jampa...
"Damn... what else... I don't know what it is, is not met, kill me, then?"
"I had never met... before... " - said Nikolai. - "Great big water frog, spits out his tongue, twirls you to them, and pulls in her wonderful mouth-suitcase! I let poke language with a knife, but this thing is not released, almost eaten already, I'm in her eyes flew, and the children ran up, pulled out..."
"You should have seen, Earrings... She licked him all the clothes, and left a pile of goo, barely had been cleaned up."
"And how did you pass go, then?.."
"I have winter trousers remained. Now this is bad, as in the microwave stove..."
"And what of the Ira?"
"She's clan Ita'. Its there ikran brought."
"Pet? "One, through the pass? It's like?"
"We do not understand. Probably because the light, she had a small bag with a fish, and all. Yes there wind was, say.. - Anatoly looked back on Jul, but he didn't. - "It is wounded, It saved her, but she is still very bad. Roma, Zhenya and Anna now there are flying. Here Jul with the deployment came here and told me."
"Jul that with her?"
"It bite... g-g-g..." - Jul poked at his finger - "Doric..."
"Tou! Drotic! Poisonous!"
"And where do you all this time I walked, or what, was lost?" - dramatically changed the theme of the people.
Sergey told us, as he was being carried out tornado, about grotto and how I was sleeping in the arms of the Wolflyers, as hunted alone on eightlegs and looking for the right course, about how avoided Tour and about the ecci. Well, about the flight in the "open space" is also not forgotten.
"Wow, well, retossed you by binding... Now, let's rest for all, at dawn departure. Let's go back." - put an end Tolya in the conversation, seeing that all was over and the situation is clear.
Sergey did not want to sleep. Go to Vasilich, too. He looked at the fire of the hearth, and he remembered space. Still, he thought about Jireh: as with it, how it happened?
Before dawn never managed to take a nap - still of the night twice already he had slept. Therefore, the first began to be collected in a long way. Roger, as if sniffing is already stumbled into the clearing, with interest in considering other people's saddle. The na'vi loaded the bags wrapped in some of the leaves of the fish, apparently, that does not disappear, and a lot of kinds of shells. For it's a s on a separate bag sheetmeatic and fish. Same Mo is very sensitive to the provision's riders-transfer cargo, and in addition to traditional sheetmeatic, loaded all some kind of delicious-smelling fried fish. The group goes not transfer was not large, three people, Jul, and five Ang's. At the output of the people gathered to see off, among them Sergei considered Timothy. He could not resist, and came to him, just as Na'vi laid a hand on his chest, and said:
"There, over the sea, I realized in the present, for the Mo you appreciate. This is really cool... And Vasilich.. for barbecue thank you tell, huh?
"Good luck to you, Sergey, safe return," - answered the man, so making a gesture with his hand. - "Give to Vasilich."
Others welcomed the nod of her head. Well, time in a way. The detachment makes a welcome circle the parking lot, and lined up in a wedge, is taking a course right on the pass. After the sea and the "open space" this flight is not so complicated, but Sergey observes that, in the saddle, riding on Roger he feels are already accustomed to that on earth. Right front increasingly gaining momentum dawn, painting an horizon in the most fantastic colors, though even more fantastic what happens...
Climb over rising relief occurs in steps, to save forces: ikran accelerates the planning, then change slightly angle of attack to the flow and the inertia of the flies up. Then the process repeats itself. The landscape slowly but surely it starts to become more of cross-country, and that's on the horizon is the its purity ridge. However most of it is hidden behind stuck on it the clouds, but what was seen, just imagine the scale of this mountain range.
The mountains were coming very, very slowly, a great distance, and in a hurry, as it turned out, nowhere to go. Then Roger made his favorite trick - the pleasure of flight, a little tarnished in recent times, has come back with new strength, and Sergei was completely surrendered to him. Get out of this condition we only when the ikran leading Na'vi turned a little to the side of the gorge, leading to the pass. Here, among the low mountainous vegetation, a well big platform in the middle of which is seen sitting in the land and reinforced from wind drift long stick. The whole squadron there comes in for a landing.
As soon as ikrans unloaded, Jul, through an interpreter-repeater Tolya asks, what would people have reported their ikran's, that on the river below are the fat ones of the flock herbal slugs. Ikrans glanced at each other and cheerfully went meets them, and Na'vi and the people sat around a stick, which deftly makes a visible dent there Na'vi tied a piece of cloth, pull out of the stones at the bottom of this design.
To be continued in chapter 12. "The effect of pipes"...
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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Chapter 12. The effect of pipes.
"In general, this is..." - Anatoly thought, and glanced back once at Na'vi and Jul - "Type weather-vane. We need to wait for the right wind. In the morning he is blowing out, and we went in the evening, on the contrary, there, and in him you have to get. But that's not all..."
One of the Na'vi sat down next to Tolya and something began to show signs, then the habits of another, and after some time by nodding the head, it became clear that to Whether something occurred. Here at a height of, at least, under the sun, but already cool, so all were insulate clothes - Nikolay finally got into their decent pants, Na'vi clothed themselves something like a poncho, the guys took out of backpacks jacket. Then Tolya began the briefing. A stuffed sock fluttering in the wind in all directions, not daring to find one direction.
"Do you remember, what was the output of the glacier from the pass, mountain-knife? The wind blows along the glacier, up above, but then passes by a corridor and to the right of it rises up and further blows horse riding, at the top of, and if there is something khan. But a small stream all the same cut-off at the pass, and it must somehow get. The experience of passes this flow is first on the left, and then must go to the right. He strikes the left wall of the corridor, and we have time to miss, that would not encounter in it... It is as if the whistle blow, something is on the pipe, but something in the hole. Now we need to fit in a way that would get in the hole..."
"I wonder, how did this Pet Ira alone?.."
"Better see what it is we do. And іkran's need to explain."
Happy and satisfied ikrans have already begun to be chosen from the bottom, sitting outside a ring around the audience, and, it seems, with interest listened to the briefing.
"In "tune" will be one in the line, the distance is within sight of the ahead-of flying."
Not only ikrans, but also their riders had good snatch, before a stuffed sock froze in position, pointing in the direction of the ridge. The cloth was removed and again stuck in stones, till next time. Pull you cannot, the night wind will become stronger, and the chance to fly past the pass increase. And here's the take-off, the cautious beating of wings, a build in the queue, where Sergei was the third after leading Na'vi and Nicolas, a flight across the ridge-mountain perpendicular to the core, going down in the flat part of, and at the bottom of opened known already valley stretching far into the mountains.
The valley all the time up in her flowing in the side of the gorge with its watershed, but even if you do not discharge height, and the only gain - the earth is getting closer and closer. But the wind, increasingly being squeezed between the slopes, gaining strength, carrying a string of іkrans all the way into the mountains. Finally the beginning of vegetation diminish in stature, it is now noticeably, there were familiar boulders - dry stones, for which the visible lazio and going up jewelled glacier from the rubble left. Here, not saying a word, everything started to gain height - must be the reserve. The familiar cold began to gradually climb to the clothes and slowly, but surely hamper the movement of the wings, but still quite tolerant.
A leading, high взмыв over the glacier, definitely maneuvered in search of the desired stream. Time to lose, can't there for him in the queue stretched the rest.
"Don't look at them, his jet we have to catch yourself" - suddenly corrected the thoughts of Sergey Roger. Sergey obeyed, and stopped to look at the maneuvers Nicholas, fully integrated into the feeling of wings, catching the wind. The glacier has already rushing downstairs, constantly trying to meet with those who fly, and must be constantly moving higher and higher. At one point Sergei felt a touch - it means that he is in a stream, but is it? Said that at first he left, and just left to take dangerous - there's plenty of sharp rocks and pockets, where it is easy to run into air-whirlpool. Sergey decided to catch the side of the stream on the left, when he will cross the gorge, and Roger the plan approved. Already at the turn they felt that as them the beginning is a little bear to the right, and a little bit of adjusting the direction of the tail, succeeded in clearly in him to lie down and be close to the right slope, when the "mountain-knife" and the entrance to the corridor of the pass. Roger and Sergey internally gathered. They feel that they are very fast, ikran Nicholas suddenly took full right roll, and his feet іkran started to look over the cliff of the beginning of the corridor, while the wind pressed them to the wall. Then they turned tail, and put the wings half-screw, just slid down and took the right position. After that immediately disappeared in the corridor.
"Roger, this is not our method!"
But Roger is himself understood, therefore, began to advance perform the maneuver turning, trying to tail deploy body sideways to the flow. Sergey engaged in the wings: the need and would not lose speed, and height, and to be kept in the stream. Wings are rear-right up, and the front-left down, like a sail only in the other plane is vertical. This focus allowed even a little more height, but it was very cold. But immediately opened the corridor and the pass. "Well, brother, come on!!!" - Roger that there are forces began to shovel in the corridor of the pass. Stored height just enough, that would not picking up above manage to slip through the corridor to the pass holding by the air flow, which soon caught them up and ruled over most of the pass, where, over the narrow part, and the stream broke apart, releasing Roger in his arms.
Reset down to the heat - Roger accelerates under the joyful cries of his rider, who from the pressure drop ears. On a narrow, but beginning covered purple vegetation gorge already soared and Nikolai, and Na'vi-leading, waiting for stragglers. From the hallway a bullet flew Tolyan, for him Jul, but it ikran a little hooked snow on the pass - apparently did not have enough stock of height, and in the gorge has become closely from іkrans. Na'vi with Nicky and Sergey moved forward, giving way falling on top of the rest of Na'vi. Apparently, the passage of the "pipes" has passed without any major incident, and you can fly to the parking lot Ita'. Rocky beach at the bend of the river did not notice at the top is difficult. On the other from the parking bank visible vacationers ikrans"they slept, curled up and covered his head with wings, among which looked like a grey Pet, but two іkrans wary play heads - apparently the sentries guarding the dream brethren. Going to the landing, Sergey thinking of only one thing: what's with the Ira.

Chapter 13. Ira.

Roman had arrived, together with Anna and friends Na'vi of the transfer. The noise of the wings of ran and Zhenya. Burning with impatience, quickly unloading the ikrans and promising them tell you what and how, the children made their way to Roman and inside. But Roman came directly to the point and laid out what he knew.
When he arrived, Ira was already in a coma. Her wounded on a tangent dart, but the poison they have very strong, time out even the ecci. Brought Ira her here ikran, how and why he did it is still a mystery, because Pet nobody says, and the Ira itself does not remember. The poison entered the blood and began to melt the internal organs, most of all suffered the girl's eyes, and they wither. Roman its not really seen over it worked the floor of the clan, it's a s, and now it is engaged in the very Itanok with his daughter, Ita'rru. Ira wrapped in some leaves and is in a mess in the sink. But the night should come to himself, because now it actively something are cooking. Itanok promised to return vision and put on their feet, but it will take some of the victims. However, she then tell everything by herself.
Welcoming in silence all the nods of the head, delivered a parcel from the sea, what Ita's were very grateful. All were invited to relax around the fireplace, and a drink, a drink pale pink, but found themselves quite complete strangers, but воне good taste. After a while sharply felt the heat and fatigue and nervousness vanished.
A group of Na'vi Ita clan gathered around Toli, and apparently he had been telling them about the adventures in Mo on the shore. Sergey is not without a smile, watching as in some moments they all looked at him.
"What they say something?" - could not resist it.
"Say that in order to dodge the Tour, you have to be a master of flight."
"Want to live, and in the eye of a needle without soap with a backpack can dive down..."
The expense of time has already been lost, when from the depths of the cave appeared Itanok and called out to her all the people and of the Roman. Tolya immediately realized that once again, will work repeater, so I just said what he sent to the head Itanok.
At first she repeated what she had already said Roman, but then came the specifics:
- The na'vi are not omnipotent, we do not know how to grow authorities of the people, and Ira they died. We had to do what we have. Now she had another blood, and have changed many of the bodies inside. His eyes could not be saved, but we were able to give her his own, he now had finished grow, and Ira soon will come of itself. Everything has been done, what would it has retained its character of the same eyes, but now she had other.
People gratefully bowed, with the Ita for their skill. But tensed, waiting for something terrible. In the protracted pause sent heard timid steps from the depths of - Ira-supported pretty Na'vi-girl inclining his head with his hair walked to the hearth. In the fire of the hearth of the unnatural pale of her skin.
- Itanok says that, over time, the skin is restored completely, all at once for such period not enough. - said Anatoly Sergey directly into the ear. Sergei again nodded his head.
Finally, Ira came to the centre, and stood in front of friends still was afraid to lift his head. But not in force so long stand, and seeing no one, she picked it up and looked at the audience. The children's jaw dropped.
The Person She was pale to light, from the paint for the hair not left a trace, so her family grizzled hair gave the face a strange hue. But these were minor compared with the eyes. They were not as large as the Na'vi, probably just could not fit into the sockets of the skull, but eyeballs become much more themselves and pupils and the cornea increased almost in two, and the latter instead of the brown became the Na'vi's yellow. Seeing the reaction, she slammed her as anime eyes and then closed them with her hands. The first said Anna quickly extracted from the bowels of his backpack beautician, there compact, and opened her mirror gave Jireh. She turned away and for some time myself watching him.

"The ira... what are you doing? With treatment!" - began to come to you guys.
"How you feeling?"
"Tell me what happened, as here at the other end?"
"I'm not a terrible?" - suddenly she said, a little dry voice.
"Er... Many girls dream about such eyes, and you will be..."
"And as I now with this back?"
"Do not be afraid. You like herself, how do you feel?"
"Sick," she waved her hand, - "my Head aches, stomach hurts..." - and then abruptly lifted her head firmly said - "But will live!"
It's not resist and let her hug. She apparently had a little hurt and she whined plaintively from it.
"And where Pet? "What's with him?"
"Close, resting. As you pass through flew?"
Sitting in the hammock, she told him her story. All, as was said earlier, began with the sea dog. When flying for fish, and from the height she saw that in one of the backwaters of a solid light music, a lot of bright lights. On boot up it asked what it was, and it was explained to her about the marriage game of sea dogs, and then he decided to look at this more closely. On the way back, she went down there, but the dogs were afraid of her ikran, and began to run away. Then she thought of hiding nearby, the mound in the tree, which would then sneak up and see this spectacular show. While looking for a place where to hide found some corpses and heard a whistle. Pet immediately sharp left somewhere in the side and up, but she felt that something of her scratched above the elbow. And then she became ill, and she does not remember anything before it was coming to himself already here.
"And where did the Pet knew that you need is here to bear?"
"When we fly away from here, I told him that help here, if poorly."
"He strongly risked to save you."
Ira turned away and again closed his hands. Apparently burst into tears. Itanok placed near a large leather bag with some liquid. To all realized that this fluid she should drink in the near future - it will speed up recovery and regeneration of tissues. Roman at this time about something thought hard together with Ita'rru.
Took himself in hand, Ira went to the ikran. He was happily hovered at the entrance, and saw her the rider living, began to happily rubbing her with his massive beak. Everyone who was in the parking lot and could not sleep, ran outside and stared at this touching scene. And the boys began to understand that it's time to assemble in the street.
"Roman," he quietly called him to himself, Tolik Sergey and Nikolay spoke quietly. - "Here is the deal, Ira they've been fixed, thanks for? Somehow we have to thank..."
"No grumble, guys, it's all settled... and what you already do - it is not enough. As some will tell you later, if I can, and as long as everything is normal. Please help better Jireh, she is still very weak."
Fluffy prepared to fly the entire crowd without attracting only Anya, which has its own challenges enough. Freight special, except the skin with a liquid, the Princess hang did not. Pet felt, however, that he again looked upon as a hero, why quite purred.
Before we take off all again came to thank the business with a massive laying hands on each other. They promised that in the future they always can count on. All this time again the Na'vi's dressed Nikolai felt from this some discomfort, but Jireh a new impress fellow like.
Meanwhile again dusk, coming night. Slowly and quietly began to brighten the bushes and trees of the forest, over which, revealing as much as possible wings soaring majestically ikrans. Now their 17 beaks, Roman leading, followed by the Ira and Jul, on people and Na'vi mixed, apparently place in the building of a wedge it means nothing, except that the chairperson should well know the way.

Chapter 14. The assemblage point.
Plain, heated during the day the sun, literally floating warm air. Not fly far away, almost at the same planning slowly going down into the valley. Sergey thought that it will be up to the parking lot, but while he was in the last time there was at war with the glasses, then missed the watershed, to which earlier was planned, and now have a bit of a climb. However, compared with the fact that, already managed to overcome over the past few days - this is already a serious obstacle not perceived neither they nor Roger, who began to feel the approach of the completion of the joint travel. "Was cool, and interesting" he said, before he himself Sergey was able to figure out what to say. "Yeah... one pass and storm are worth!" "And the sea..." - somehow sadly, unusual for the ikran Roger added. - "Look, we're coming in!"
And indeed, in the night among the twinkling of vegetation opened familiar lake, and had to do a little rebuilding, that would not all at once to perform the approach under the trees. Ikrans smoothly landed gently, groping in the darkness of the earth, and quickly ran away to the side, which would give the place of those who follow them. Ang''s who transfer of much earlier, because on the way back, stop, and even such a long has it's a s not supposed to be, came out already in full readiness to help unload ikrans, what they were very happy. Some immediately after unloading rose again on the wing and hid in the night on his unknown works. But ikrans people anywhere't going to fly, He just said he wanted to closely examine the place where, Sergei was the first hunting. Why'd he do that was so obvious...
The Chief Anghiro personally welcomes each passenger, without exception. Anatol explained that he had not always the group returned in full strength - it's all the same dangerous idea. Sergey remembered the snake in the woods, because he, too, not a "simple thing".
"You see, "explained already Roman, you are the first group of people who had been here, which in the full able to find ikrans, and come back. Anghiro very happy."
"What next?"
"Further to go back home. We have another 10 hours before departure, you can talk and relax."
"Something to talk about something?"
"Ang's clan also want to know from the first..." - he obviously wanted to say "lips", but that would be wrong, - "From the original sources, how and what we have there been. Our experience they want you."
The guys helped clan with sorting of imported goods, after which together with all went to the hearth. Here, comfortably among the big blue humanoid and crunching mouth for both cheeks sheetmeatic with smoked fish, started the exchange of information. Around from the forest could hear a variety of sounds, head over to the stars shone, and come for some inexplicable feeling at the same time, freedom, and unity with all that there is. But many people are still concerned one specific question.
"Listen Roman, and now you that, right back so field?" - from a distance began to go emboldened Tolya, - "With a tail, ears and such growth? In the train did not get in..."
"Safe," laughed the Roma, "I will not attract attention, you know."
"O kay, and how is this blue skin?
"And what is that? Here it's much more convenient and adequate."
"Where is she?" - no longer bear Nikolay. Sergey simply listened with interest, but get in the conversation did not want to.
"Well it's a long time to explain, and tedious...
"Heard you had a teacher of some sort, he will then taught, and that from us something to hide? Yes, and the time we have a little."
"Well, well... all three days on the wing, and already gossip've got the... Yes, it was. Yes, he may still is, but I think a long way... But no matter. The knowledge which he gave, of course important, but not enough of them. He said: every creature has its own assemblage point, the whole of the living. Change the point, its vibration - change yourself... will become possible even in the worm, the question of why only need this? Now, he added that passing portal-the transition we slide through their assemblage points, respectively, can it move. But how and where - not said... "
"But you've done something, there, in the transition, otherwise it would not have happened?"
"Yes. I found the answer. The assemblage point vibration... what To do what you see, you must feel it. Not just so, as it is seen from the outside, but from inside, fully, psycho-motor, physiologically had to feel Na'vi, feel this creature, move, feel the tail and even as he itches in the morning... Not to mention the rest of the bodies. We were all born people, and grew up in our bodies, used to them, so much so that according to another and cannot think - correctly - because he thinks the brain, owned by it, and no more body... Like..." - Roman scratched his tail and his head, "But in the transition we are going in that unique assemblage point, which we have, I thought, and not to get a if the second, and settled, respectively. The second time it happened. But there is one but. All cockroaches, which you have at the same time - they will remain, if not increase. So any body need to keep in order, while improving and developing it, this is for you no transition with the assembly will not do. Although something somewhere and can be corrected, but five is this something already should be, and not be assumed..."
"And is that all?" - surprised Tolik, probably waiting for something more high-tech.
"No, not all..." - Roma thinking about something and continued. - "All that I said nothing of worth nothing and means nothing, plain bike, if there is no individual predisposition... It's just my assumption, because not enough people and more advanced, than I tried to do it - and they didn't make it. Yes, and when back point of the pass - also incidents can be... but this is a separate topic."
"Wait... But how do items, clothing, they have something what point could there be?"
"That's it, that it is not! But there is your aura, the energy connection with these items, and anything that gets connected to the aura of this pi also is in the assembly, but-unlike the us, the choice they have no..."
Nothing more clearly from the Roma remove failed. Ira came to life in his eyes, gradually acquiring more confident movements and increasingly dark shade of skin. The jug she had almost emptied, and the remnants of healing liquid Ita's poured into a flask. Tolik deep in the questioning of the Anthorn's with Anghon's about the life of the clan, perhaps it is trying to distract myself from the sad thoughts about the soon return. Kolya went to sleep, and Zhenya about something quiet and had a long talk with Her. However, Sergey had not slept for a long time, and he fell into a dreamless sleep, he was just resting.
Woke up again himself, already before dark. Warm up, went to the lake, and why it without any fear boldly go there himself. Was fresh and good. He came back, and the guys with Na'vi had already made a breakfast of sheetmeatic and somebody's meat. It turned out that Zhenya with Anya found some fruit nearby, which Na'vi called edible, but the inside was just the juice from seeds. But the juice was very pleasant to taste. However, the inevitability of departure was approaching, and soon all were gathered together their home. And while ikrans slowly took his seat, the moment of parting.
"Remember, you are always here waiting for, and remember your business. Let the mark of the brotherhood will remain with you as a symbol of the ties of our peoples." - Anghiro did so, that it is "heard" all at once, than not a little surprised people. The guys were confused, no one knew what to do in this case in response, therefore, only nodding their heads, trying to cope with the when emotions.
Roger caught and mood, and the cause immediately. Sergey has already cemented in the last seat when I heard from Roger ikrans, too, should go back into the slot. We are very much alike". Touched by the rider was unable to something sensible reply, so I hugged him around the neck, as then, during the storm, and silently so held. Icran understood him. And at this moment some of the guys thought of the cameras.
"Oh..." - Anya looked down, "I have the battery is discharged for a long time, I forgot to check..."
They all looked at Tolya. He of course knew what everyone thinks, and smiling mysteriously pulled out his simple digital camera. After a few shots, and cardio saying goodbye to Ang', seven ikrans gradually rose into the sky, and gave a farewell circle over the lake. Already habitually half rising to the amortization of lifting strokes in the saddle, Sergey understood that one boredom on this he did not get away with.

Chapter 15. Return.
Creating a usual building, ikrans began to gradually climb up the canyon toward the pass and the "tower ". Now, in so exciting moment like never powerfully felt the power of tight strokes wings, the accuracy of the position of the tail, sharp eyes and thick legs іkrans, it seemed, that can be enjoyed endlessly. Green sky and pre-violet vegetation of the bottom has become so familiar that native blue sky and the green of summer can be presented through the force. But, trying to tune into the inevitable, Sergey tried to remember the best scenery, which he saw on earth.
"This is your world? Take care of it..." - immediately reacted Roger, and Sergey surprised simple power of the wisdom of these creatures, which do not have enough where he is now and is going to. Here is the next sitting in the sky "tower". As was well worth it, and apparently a very long time all that will stay. But it anywhere turn did not, flew almost directly - apparently this road is shorter. Mountainous-hilly landscape remained somewhere to the left, but not looking at a fairly calm landscape, I had to slightly rise, said to himself Sergey, with some surprise to find that he begins to think like Roger. Probably because of all the time that they have to resolve together the complex task of piloting between them the connection was made much more intensive than is the same tsheylu. "You must admit, it was interesting, and the job done, and so much of the experience gained!" - "The mountain pass and the sea is the most useful, " replied Roger. Then he added that due to this he learned that you can overcome the impossible things.
It is unknown, what they talked about with their іkrans other riders, but Sergey noticed that they often wipes his eyes took off his spectacles. Yes, it's too sad, but there is still one thing is to reach the crossing site. The terrain began to wane, became flatten, ikrans plan to bathed in the rays of the morning sun. Then began the sea to the islands. As usual, tensing Sergey took control of the upper hemisphere, but Roger, in advance climb - down. Already building is not needed, all flew concentrating on their feelings. The island was the most distant, and the largest - it has become visible from far away, because he is the most high. And again the kind of drifting under the wing of the islands in the sea, some of wildlife inhabits the water and in the coastal rocks, enchanted, and for some time Sergey fell into a stupor. Roger did not become him out of it himself, knowing that fly to the іkran, where the sitting of the na'vi-Roman. Sergei came to himself, only when the reset height and flying over the island for landing.
The first villages of the Roman, and his ikran a little slowly moving his feet, immediately flew back together with his saddle. Ikrans is the rest of the group after the landing clearly not going to fly anywhere. Roman all the land, immediately said to have weakened the mount, and the saddle is not removed. In some confusion, all the way and remained standing near his ikrans on a gradual slope under the clearing with a place of transition.
"The time has come to say goodbye to friends," - said slowly, as if the sentence, Roma, - "I know how you attached to them, and that it will not be easy, but it must be done. As only you know."
"And what with the seats?"
"Saddle leave them. They will keep it as a memory about you and your flights in their nests. The same as you - this thing" - here he pointed to his pendant "flight of brotherhood." - "And if they will again hear your call, then come already with him."
"And when they may hear?" - this question like to ask all, but formulated only Zhenya.
"No one knows that. The more I." - Roman did not show any emotion, but exactly waving his tail. "But this does not mean that it can't be!" - here it strange blinked, as if surprised at his own words. - "We have a bit of time, release them, I am waiting for you a little higher." "and he went up to the edge of the clearing, was there, sitting on a rock looking at the sea horizon.
Sergey turned to his to іkran and started to pick up words. But Roger was ahead of him:
"We are all children of their nests," - he said, - "and this is what gives the part of the meaning. "
"I know, friend, but the hard part!" - said Sergey.
"Look, what you have now is..." - the head Sergei immediately shaft there appeared recent adventures: here they fly squadron in the night, that's tight with difficulty to the parking lot, and here is the joint maneuvers in the air whirlpools the pass and tug on the glacier, that's twisting storm, and fly into the grotto, but fly past the mouth to and eggs in the "open space"... From the force and volume of images Sergey fell into a light trance and lost his balance sat down. But recovered from the blow to the forehead - the same as when the first meeting, Roger brought him to his senses. Ikran lowered his head and tilted it to the side, looking right into the eyes of his rider. "Remember, that promised, " he added. "'ll think of something" - said Sergey and smiled, but to his throat up bitter com. "It is interesting to me, I will wait, " said Roger, and is quite rubbing Sergey beak, abruptly turned around and began to take off.
The rest of the ikrans, too, have been completed to bring their riders, also stood up to the wing.
"Wait A Minute! And we do not know, who has a name ikran..." suddenly heard the voice of the Underlayment. My - "Boom. The Seryoga - Roger, and Ira Pet, the rest of us!"
"Spartacus." "modestly announced Nikolay.
"Eagle..." - ruefully said Jack.
"The original name of... Anya, and you?"
"The Dream."
"The Dream?"
"Yes. He said, what is his name-to-many calls..."
After seeing sorrowful glances ikrans for the slope, all looked at Romanа as the executioner. But he, as if nothing had happened, went on his case:
"While there is still a little bit of time, I recommend a change of clothes. Boys to the right, girls to the left... "
Sighing, the guys took off backpacks, and wandered off rustle of his clothes. Nicholas was not lucky with the shoes and fish-velcro, so I had to stay in leather galoshes from the Mo. The others took a more-or-less the earth's view.
"Well, let's go..." - the same as-that is sad, said Roman, and showed where to get up. The stones were not there, but without them, it was clear that balding piglet with the edge of the clearing, and there is a place of entry. Guys how-is not happy met with the spirit, when suddenly Ira burst into tears:
"I can't! I can't leave him, his Princess... No one is better in my life will not be!.. I'm not going anywhere, I want to stay here, they should at least eat..."
"Yes, Roman, may adjourn, eh?"
"Really, what are we hurrying, we then needed than there, why somewhere else to go?"
"What are you people?" Roma tensed. "Home not want to?" his question would have seemed ridiculous, if not in a sad moment.
"I do not want!.." - said firmly Ira, and according to the guys were silent, no one moved.
Roman stood up in angry stance and raised high tail.
"Do you do conscience is? And the notion of the responsibility?" - Roman's tail nervously twitching, and his ears flattened against his head, "Or that, so refly that have forgotten how to walk? Ikrans you anything about self-development is not said?"
All lowered their views, and the Ira, with a sob, closed its huge eyes with his hands.
"Did you think about those who are waiting for you at home?" - continued to resent Roman, "Not only for the friends, and the parents of the same? What will happen if... you are not there? They need you, they love you, and wait for the reciprocity for the old age, and you Op! - and to other worlds... Or that, here drag? There is not a health resort, as each one of you here a little hadn't moved, and? But you are right, adapted, but it will be what?"
Sergey anything could not tell. From the moment of parting with Roger in his throat stood whom, who speak not given, so he decided to "go with the flow", what will be will be, although hang here for another couple of weeks, he is not against.
"But Jul?.." - tried to protest Nikolay.
"God forbid you, what would have happened to you what happened to Jul! The man lost everything, survived two assassination attempts, was ready to become even crab, only on Earth. And than you the Earth is not happy with? The world is not perfect?"
"Yes! Solid lodges, masks, money, money, money, kill all living things..." - for all murmured even a tear Anya.
"And who is to blame? Who is it that does? We, and no one except us, so we have to go back and restore order, swallow me tour! So, what we think?"
Sighing heavily, all slowly, as if to execution, drawn to the specified location.
"To the same..." - unexpectedly in the wake threw Roman, - "Nobody said that all was over! I'll call back..."
This was encouraging. In the circle stood already awake, waited, when led by one To Roman sky to give signs, and immediately took up his hands. Roman began to torment his wooden stick, which in its big paws seemed to be a fragment of the canes, and finally, a blow to the ears. Again the wind around and fog, and again rubber hammer on the back of the head...
To be continued in chapter 16. "The other world."...
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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Вот и последняя глава подоспела...

Chapter 16. The other world.
Sergei came to me from the cold. Not cold anymore, and don't even chill, just very cool. Opening his eyes, he saw the overturned trees against the blue sky. Falling flat on his back, he found himself in his backpack, and her head lolled to the side, now everything's changed. Under the rumble and the groans of the other guys, he stood up and looked around. Roman was a human again, but somehow himself carefully examined. Apparently, there were precedents... Anya with Ira studied herself in the mirror of the ladies sets with powder, putting the ladies'cosmetic procedure, although the Ira was confused, and didn't know what to do with her new eyes and do something with that at all.
The snow had already melted away, and in the forest dryly. Swollen kidneys and seemed fresh, green grass. Look at this unusual and somewhat painful. The air then another. Sergei in the beginning he seemed to be fresh, and sounds are so few of them! But they are there. And you can hear are, what he had or had not heard, or not noticed. But they are there. As long sadly and walked through the forest to the road the noise in his head was gone, and while waiting for traveler barbuhayku to the platform - managed to freeze. All passed in a blur, in a dream. It is difficult to get away from the idea that this is a dream. All the time, it seemed that now he wakes up or under the wing of Roger, or in the larch hammock some of the clan, and will have to again somewhere urgently fly, fly... again staring at the violet-green horizon became almost native of the world, the name of which he did not know. Being in such double able Sergey together with all got to the station, where he went out to the platform, suddenly decided to exchange numbers of cell phones, just in case. Just remember your could only Nicholas, so all he recruited by withdrawing its apparatus of the animation. And quickly shook hands ran away some where.
The way to the very threshold of his apartment - he passed like a dream. Parents somehow got to the house, but were strange.
"OH! Is Back!.. Well, how came down that river?" - the first question put to a standstill.
"Yes, normally... and the river there was a..."
"A girl with you?" - Gently asked my mother.
"Yes, there were..."
"Everyone is alive and well?"
"Something like that..."
Quickly realizing that Sergey tell something just not in the condition he was offered the road to eat and bathe. The shower did not want at all, and here's the food for the last time there was a special attitude. But already on the table was a plate with potatoes and meat. With interest by examining the contents of the plates, Sergey mechanically took out of his backpack balances sheetmeatic, and went up to the table...
A week passed. Behind discussions with parents, why do it at night talking to someone Roger, two of trapped offset and fermentation in prostration instead of the execution of the laboratory. Sergey began to understand that in no way can return to your own world, from which he recently away. Everything seems the same, but both at the same time. Like a complicated and long sleep in a familiar place. But the dream did not stop, but continued imposing some unimaginable rules of the new and unknown world, which do not have to obtain food hunting with risk for life, don't always think to have your friends all was well, time to fly, to understand... All there. Completed Projects. And this is getting irritating. Irritation slowly turned in confidence, that returning in the transition, they probably "wrong address" and hit in some other world, very similar, but different. Now what to do?
With great difficulty, not after the session, Sergey relaxed, sat down on the flower thumbs near the entrance to his institute. Yes, the course was transferred, but somehow it does not gladden. It is not that something is missing. Here cell phone vibrated, and come to the phone "Ira Ikrans".
"Hi," - said she, - "How are you doing?"
"Normally. And how are you?"
"What, health? Dart?"
"No,"the voice brightened, - "C this is just something procedure, never ever thought that with bags from the store to the sixth floor will run on foot and not get tired, and in the darkness see... No. Just bad."
"The other world?" said carefully, Sergei.
"And you, too? Here is the problem. And I thought that I had such glitches. You Roman called?"
"Is not responding. Not available."
"It Is Clear."
"We must meet. Let's find a point of transition themselves."
"Then collect all you need, all of the brotherhood. Can they also have a problem with the world?"
To varying degrees, but all of the group "transferer's" had something to say to each other. In the output they met the same at the station and drove with the sami forest, taking with him just in case and the snuffers, and the flask, and all that is necessary for the transition. But for a long combing the forest gave nothing to: desired polyanka as through the earth has failed. The guys made a fire, and gathered around him in silence finishing stored to move food.
"Well, what do we do?"
"Are Roman called?"
""Subscriber currently not available, try to call later..."
"He promised to call himself!"
"So called."
"Ira, how you went to the doctors?"
"Go," "said Ira, "But it would be better not go..."
"What say?"
"Say..." - Ira gave a dry twig in fire, " "it can't be."
"Of All. May not be such a composition of the blood, and to the still body could live. An eye doctor didn't even know what to write in conclusion... IN general, in their own way I'm walking corpse... wanted to hospital inheritance to put down, but I "sent walk away."
"Yes I have," - Ira chuckled, "don't see what they think? That prepacked me on the tube and analyses, and defend their master thesis! I'm not a guinea pig rabbit. OH! And I have a surprise for you!" Ira came to life, and winking at Nikolay, fled into the bushes. After a few minutes she came out in na'vi-skirt and a t-shirt that was then. In the coupe with her eyes looked awesome. All in delight...
"Nikolay gave me material... by the Way, from whose skins they do them?"
"Er... on you it looks much more harmonious!"
"I know." - Ira sat down near Sergei, and leaned on it.
"Wait, how about the mosquitoes, eat-hardly because..."
"And here and there!" happily she said, "Their"my blood is not interested!" "and showed his pink tongue.
"I have another problem," suddenly said Sergei, - "I can't go back to their Roger, even if the transition will be."
"I told him some of what he promised to do, and not made."
Back in town, and after seeing Ira to the house, as she was obviously enjoying the surprise-admiring glances of passers-by, Sergei arrived in the evening to the house. On the wall of the entrance stuck a piece of paper, where under the symbol of the Dao is a drawing of a man in a long shirt and baggy trousers on the issue. "A set of group for the occupation of Aiki-Do...". In my head instantly appeared the words of Roger: "...This is so interesting!.." and Sergei recorded pin number itself in a mobile phone.
Autumn has come. Classes Aiki-Do help put up with this world, sensei all the time wondering why Sergey caught his thought and movement before he would tell and will show. And Sergey felt eat-hardly with rider-sensei. And already at the first examination he was given 2 ku. Roger will be happy... IN such a benevolent mood but went to regular school, when suddenly, as always happens, when thoughts absorbed into something great, holed up in the hysteria mobile phone. On it a Roman namber phone. Not believing his eyes, Sergey said.
"Hello, Sergei? Is it you? Flights on ikrans remember? Well. For you and your ikran have a job, are you ready?..."
The End...

Continuation of this story read in another story: Riders of the Storm

P.S. Приогромнейшая благодарность за правку ошибок и ляпов в переводе Tan Jala. :navi_ikran_dark_bg: ^_^
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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Нашёл случайно любопытное видео: земной аналог Ко.

Этого подводного хищника называют Eunice aphroditois.
Земным ученым, наконец, удалось снять на видео атаку трехметрового хищного червя Eunice aphroditois. Видео опубликовано журналом «Популярная механика».
Монстр живет на глубинах от 10 до 40 метров, зарывается в грунт и способен совершить резкий бросок, когда поблизости оказывается жертва. Ею может стать даже довольно крупная рыба. Но всё это в пределах воды, что-то выше, как Ко, это тварь не достанет. Но всё равно, "это интересно..." :)
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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о уже и по англиш поздравляю

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Нифига себе животина..... вот там пусть лучше и сидит.

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Да лан :) Если повезёт, перед ней откроются большие эволюционные возможности. ;) Тоды и Ко у нас появится... хотя лучше, шоб сначала икраны...
Я ТАМ был, и ждут меня назад. Но дел так много тут. Kerame, slä ke nìn

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